1863 Ventures Founder and General Partner Melissa Bradley, Honored with Prestigious John Carroll Award

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The prestigious John Carroll Award was presented to our founder and general partner,Melissa L. Bradley.
She is a pioneer in the entrepreneurial community and a graduate of Georgetown University.
She is a pioneer in the entrepreneurial community and a graduate of Georgetown University.
The founder and general partner of 1863 Ventures was honored with a prestigious award.
The John Carroll Awards were created by the Georgetown University Alumni Association to honor graduates who have exemplified outstanding service to their community and dedication to the university.
Bradley is a Professor of the Practice at the McDonough School of Business at Georgetown University.
Bradley is a Professor of the Practice at the McDonough School of Business at Georgetown University.
Over 1,000 alumni and guests were offered a rich program featuring tours, lectures, and exclusive reception in Dublin, which was a unique opportunity to connect with fellow alumni and thought leaders.
The upcoming Founder to CEO Summit will provide valuable insights into transitioning from entrepreneurial vision to executive leadership, guided by one of the most respected voices in the industry.
If you would like to register for the upcoming summit, please visit our website or contact our communications team.
The source is 1863 Ventures.
The upcoming Founder to CEO Summit will be held in Charlotte, North Carolina.
The Ford Motor Company Fund is an independent, Black-led national business development nonprofit.

Source prnewswire

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