Source prnewswire
MADISON, WIS., January 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Influencers, affiliates, brands, and agencies flocked to URLgenius in 2023 because of their patent-protected (Patent No. ), privacy-focused, no-SDK approach to link building that simplifies the process, removes friction for the end user, and provides detailed attribution insights for growth that can be used to fuel growth. It was when we realized the friction end users experience when clicking a link from a social media post, only to find themselves in a broken conversion experience, that URLgenius was born. According to Brian Klais, CEO & founder of URLgenius, "We knew that if we reduced the difficulty of managing hundreds or thousands of links for marketers and creators and offered a reliable and privacy-safe infrastructure, the market would respond positively." The reason we founded URLgenius was because of the friction for end users. A consumer clicks on a link on a social media post only to be greeted with a broken conversion experience," said Brian Klais, CEO & founder of URLgenius. In order for the market to respond positively to our efforts, we knew that if we reduced the complexity for marketers and creators of managing hundreds, even thousands of links, while also providing a reliable and privacy-safe infrastructure, it would result in a positive response.URLgenius has seen an increase of more than 440% in the number of active clients over the past year.A significant milestone for URLgenius was reached in 2023 because of the growing global creator economy expected to reach $480 billion by 2027, the increased time spent on mobile devices, and the company's ability to provide quick and reliable performance increases. As of last year, URLgenius' active client list grew by over 440% year over year. According to John Baudino, co-founder and CEO of Being Caroline, the URLgenius platform was a crucial component of the company's growth and success in Q4. "In addition to the simple onboarding process and excellent reporting, URLgenius links create seamless experiences for consumers, which enables us to focus on engaging them and converting them into clients. Our strategy for understanding and increasing measurable results from social media includes incorporating the URLgenius platform as part of it.In response to the high demand for the company's products among affiliate marketers, agencies, and retailers, it will exhibit at Affiliate Summit West (ASW) in Las Vegas from January 15-17, 2024, where it will be exhibiting at booth 538.. It is one of the largest affiliate marketing events in the world, bringing together over 6,500 affiliates, advertisers, retailers, and technology suppliers..The following methodology was used: $1 per person.Based on URLgenius' proprietary traffic data and self-reported conversion data from the Q4 2023 client survey, the Supported Commerce Revenue for Q4 '23 was estimated at $3B..URLgenius is the premier, patent-protected global app-linking platform, enabling marketers, creators, and affiliate marketers of all sizes to create fluid app-to-app linking experiences, enhancing engagement, conversions, and affiliate commissions by creating app-to-app linking experiences.. There are many reasons why URLgenius is highly regarded for its innovative approach, which eliminates the necessity for SDKs, providing unparalleled reliability, speed, and flexibility, all while maintaining a high level of privacy.. As one of the world's leading content creators, agencies, and brands, URLgenius has reduced the friction for end users when linking to apps and websites on social media, and in digital and traditional advertising campaigns. Find us on LinkedIn, learn about best practices on our blog, and visit URLgenius to get started.Visit for media inquiries: Cali Maxwell DaReDirector of Communications Elegant Disruption[email protected] SOURCE URLgenius Contact for media inquiries: Cali Maxwell DaReDirector of Communications Elegant Disruption[email protected] SOURCE URLgenius As John Baudino of Being Caroline points out, "The URLgenius platform helped us grow and succeed in Q4," he says. Besides the straightforward onboarding process and excellent reporting, URLgenius links create seamless consumer experiences that allow us to focus on consumer engagement and conversion. The URLgenius platform is central to our strategy for understanding and increasing measurable results from social media."As a result of strong demand from affiliate marketers, agencies, and retailers, the company is planning to exhibit at Affiliate Summit West (ASW) at booth 538 in Las Vegas on January 15-17, 2024. Affiliate Summit West is the largest affiliate marketing event in the world, gathering over 6,500 affiliates, advertisers, retailers, and technology suppliers in one place.Based on URLgenius' proprietary traffic data and self-reported conversion data from the Q4 2023 client survey, $1.3B of Supported Commerce Revenue in Q4 '23 is based on URLgenius' proprietary traffic data and self-reported conversion data.Here are some facts about URLgenius: The URLgenius platform provides marketers and creators of all sizes with the tools to create fluid app-to-app link experiences that can enhance engagement, conversions, and affiliate commissions of their apps. It is a patent-protected, global app-linking platform that empowers marketers and creators of all sizes.. URLgenius is renowned for its innovative approach that avoids the need for SDKs and offers unrivalled reliability, speed, and flexibility, all while placing the highest priority on privacy.. URLgenius is popular with leading content creators, agencies, and brands worldwide due to its ability to reduce the friction that the end user faces when linking to apps and websites from social media and digital and traditional advertising.. We encourage you to connect with us on LinkedIn, read our blog to learn best practices, and visit URLgenius for more information.Please visit www.comPlease visit www.comFor media inquiries, please contact Cali Maxwell DaReDirector of Communications Elegant Disruption [email protected]URLgenius is the source of this information
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