Saab receives order for additional Live Training equipment from U.S. Marine Corps

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The contract modification award from the U.S. Marine Corps is worth $37 million and will be delivered over the course of a decade.
This award ensures that the U.S. Marine Corps will continue to use the live training solution.
The system focuses on developing and reinforcing effective tactics, techniques and procedures, while also facilitating joint training with NATO allies during multinational exercises.
The U.S. Marine Corps continues to rely on us as their training partner.
The MCTIS training system was transitioned from the previous ITESS - II to the collaboration with the U.S. Marine Corps.
Contact Ben Decatur by email.
Saab is a leading defense and security company with an enduring mission to help nations keep their people and society safe.
The company is based in Syracuse, New York, and is a U.S. subsidiary.
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The Giraffe 4A radar systems will be supplied to the U.S. Air Force in Europe.
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