A Door that Saves Lives by Preventing Suicides

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Kennon Solutions is a renowned developer and manufacturer of products for the military, aviation, and healthcare industries that protect individuals and high-value assets. The company’s Sheridan, Wyoming location employs more than 60 workers. Kennon is an ESOP (employee stock ownership program) corporation run by its employees. Kennon Products accepts practically any project whose purpose is to secure high-value assets because engineering and manufacturing are at its core. 

Suicide is the tenth greatest cause of mortality in the United States, with rates in therapeutic settings increasing in recent years.

Patient rooms and restrooms in healthcare facilities may have elements that patients utilize to commit suicide. The Kennon SSPD Door 2.0 is meant to provide patients with privacy while also preventing them from injuring themselves due to its ligature-resistant breakaway hinge. Behavioral health centers, emergency departments, psychiatric hospitals, mental health facilities, assisted-living situations, prisons, and juvenile facilities are all good candidates for this door.

In 2009, Kennon Products collaborated with the US Department of Veterans Affairs to manufacture the first SSPD. The Kennon SSPD Door 2.0 is lighter and more functional than the prior door. It also allows caretakers to peer inside the room and monitor patients without invading their privacy. Kennon offers a door that is printed on both sides with high-resolution graphics. Over 18,000 Soft Suicide Prevention Doors have been marketed by Kennon to over 600 different locations across the United States.

The Soft Suicide Prevention Door (SSPD) reduces door anchor points while offering peaceful artwork for patients, leading to a healing atmosphere. It was created by patient safety experts at the Department of Veterans Affairs and is now available for purchase through Kennon. SSPDs are manufactured to order to accommodate any door frame up to 42 inches wide. For larger installations, double saloon-style panels are offered. The magnetic door hinges are composed of rip-stop material.

 The Kennon SSPD Door 2.0 was created with new construction in mind as well as retrofitting existing units in mind. The door improves staff morale and adds an attractive element to an otherwise sterile patient room. The door is available in 4 sizes to match any opening. Its built-in magnetic hinge makes it simple to install into an empty metal frame in seconds, without the need for specific equipment or training. 

Kennon provides ligature-resistant attachment plates for non-steel door frames. The Kennon Door 2.0 design prioritizes patient confidentiality, dignity, and safety. We spent three years developing this one-of-a-kind and long-lasting door. The door’s exceptional water resistance makes it an excellent choice for shower and bathroom use. It is manufactured for tear resistance and fire resistance. You can personalize the designs and colors on every door to match the decor of your building, or Kennon can suggest some of our most popular options. You may rest assured that the doors will last for many years. The Kennon Door 2.0 is a great way to show that you care about your patients, enhance staff morale, and warm up a sterile atmosphere.

The intelligent design of the Kennon Door 2.0 decreases the risk of patients injuring themselves or medical employees. The door provides a safer environment for patients while retaining their privacy and dignity. The Kennon Door 2.0’s main feature is its breakaway hinge, which can remove from the door frame with a little less than 20 pounds of force. Despite the fact that it is supposed to crumble, the Kennon Door 2.0 is built to withstand years of use. 


  1. Tear-repellent
  2. Water Resistant/Durable
  3. Simple to clean and washable 
  4. Anti-ligature design
  5. Breakaway hinge
  6. Magnetic closure
  7. Meets Life Safety Code 101 with an integrated notch for use as a “door handle”
  8. Colors, graphics, and images can be changed to compliment any decor.
  9. Helps maintain patients’ privacy and dignity

The Kennon Door 2.0’s unique aim is to provide privacy while safeguarding patients from injuring themselves. The door’s soft materials and breakaway magnetic hinge protect lives, while its robust design improves the appearance of any institution. The Kennon Door 2.0, Kennon’s newest ligature-resistant patient safety solution, has gained NFPA-286 certification from the National Fire Protection Association. This certification is required for facility operators who want to comply with certain fire safety regulations.

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