After negotiations break down, strikes against SYSCO continue.

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On Wednesday evening, after more than six hours of discussion, Sysco and the Teamsters were unable to come to an agreement.

More than 500 workers in Syracuse, New York, and Plympton, Massachusetts, continue to strike in protest of the company’s unjust labour practises as a result.

“Sysco treats its employees like disposable robots, pushing them to the physical limit. Our members put in a lot of effort, but they ought to be rewarded with a safe and satisfying retirement and reasonably priced health care. We won’t stand by while this business continually hires and fires workers “said Teamsters General President Sean M. O’Brien. “They will keep speaking out and fighting for what they are due. On the strike line, we have a phrase that goes, “One day longer, one day stronger.””

At Sysco Syracuse, more than 230 employees who are part of Local 317 went on strike last Wednesday as a result of protracted contract negotiations with the business. More than 300 members of Local 653 protested at Sysco Boston less than three days later.

The breakdown follows a Sysco survey that revealed almost half of its employees have held their positions for just a year. During a recent investor call, Sysco CEO Kevin P. Hourican made it a point to assure investors that his firm was devoted to enhancing employee retention, development, and productivity.

Source: Prnewswire

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