A traditional cultural gathering called Traditional Korea 2022 will take place in France in October.

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By staging the Traditional Korea 2022 event, which showcases Korean traditional culture at the 15th District Marie and OORI Center for a month in October with the Korea Craft & Design Foundation, the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism (Minister Park Bo-gyun, hereinafter the “MCST”) is accelerating the spread of the Korean Wave (Director Kim Tae -hoon, hereinafter “KCDF” ).

The goal of Traditional Korea 2022 is to raise awareness of Korean culture and promote the country’s distinctive beauty and value on a worldwide scale.
The event began on October 1 and continued on October 2 at the Marie in the 15th arrondissement, which is designated as a cultural historic building. The Hangul-themed Korean media art exhibition Sin Saek Chang Yeon, mother-of-pearl inlaid lacquerware, and Joseon Dynasty wrapping fabrics made by Professor Ko Ju- won of the Seoul Institute of the Arts, were held in the small banquet hall, while experimental performances of traditional plays like Biseokchigi and Jegichagi took place in the outer plaza.

Source: Prnewswire

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