Adjustment of exercise price on outstanding options and granting of share options to the Executive Management team

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The Board of Directors decided to adjust the exercise prices of all outstanding option and warrant plans granted to employees as a direct effect of the terms of each respective option plan.
The board of directors decided to adjust the exercise prices due to the fact that the holders of options and warrants will not be disadvantaged by the recent rights issue.
The Board of Directors of Asetek A/S has decided to grant share options to members of the Executive Management Team and former COO in accordance with their employment agreements.
A total of 15,532,800 options have been granted.
The exercise price for the options is calculated as the average of the five most recent trading days prior to and including the grant date for Asetek A/S shares on the stock exchange.
The new share option grant for the Executive Management team is part of their employment agreements.
The Head of Investor Relations can be reached at +45 2566 6869E-mail.
About Asetek.
Asetek was founded in 2000 and is a global leader in mechatronic innovation.
Cision brought this information to you.
There is an adjustment of the exercise price on outstanding options and grant of share options to the executive.
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The source is Asetek.
The Chief Executive Officer of Asetek A/S was mentioned in the press release.
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