Source prnewswire
After a successful Series B fundraising round from Seoul Clinical Laboratories (Korea), Standard Foods and and AWS cloud services representative GrandTech C.G. Systems (Taiwan), H2U secured over 10 million USD in funds
Taiwan's leading digital health brand, H2U, ushered in the lunar new year with exciting news. Entities such as Korea's largest medical laboratory, Seoul Clinical Laboratories (SCL), Taiwan's biggest food company, Standard Foods, the leading protein and antibody reagent innovator and manufacturer, Leadgene Biomedical, and AWS cloud services representative, GrandTech C. Systems, have enthusiastically joined H2U's current round of fundraising (Series B) before the lunar new year, raising over 10 million USD in funds. Prior to this round, H2U had already secured investments from reputable institutional investors, including Foxconn Technology, ADATA, TOPCO, UDN, WeLeader Bio, Flight International, Wondercise, and Sparklabs Prior to this round, H2U had already secured investments from reputable institutional investors, including Foxconn Technology, ADATA, TOPCO, UDN, WeLeader Bio, Flight International, Wondercise, and Sparklabs
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