Amagi buys Streamwise to provide its streaming data analytics tools greater strength.

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Amagi, a pioneer in cloud-based SaaS technology for connected and broadcast TV, today revealed that it had acquired Streamwise, a platform for early-stage data collection and reporting for content providers. Automation and standardisation of data collecting across streaming platforms are Streamwise’s areas of expertise. Amagi will be able to improve its data solutions skills with the support of thorough, more efficient reporting and dashboards thanks to the acquisition.

Data and insights on content and ad performance will become the critical difference that helps content providers remain ahead of the competition with the expansion of live linear channels, advertising, and viewership on Free Ad-supported Streaming TV. Content producers are being forced to make significant investments in establishing these capabilities internally due to the demand for thorough insights.

Amagi THUNDERSTORM, an advanced server-side ad insertion (SSAI) technology, gives content brands that use it for monetization access to a wide range of performance analytics on viewing and ad engagement. However, content brands frequently have data and metrics from several platforms in multiple formats that need to be combined to give a comprehensive perspective of how their content is producing cash as part of their distribution and monetization agreements. Amagi will be able to effortlessly integrate both its own proprietary data and that of third parties using Streamwise to offer content brands uniform, intelligent insights. Customers of Amagi will find it simple to obtain practical business insights in a consolidated, automated manner thanks to Streamwise’s cutting-edge and user-friendly UX.

Source: Prnewswire

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