Amazon: The Story of the Underdog Turned Super Star

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Do you recall the last time you made an Amazon purchase? Oh, wait, wasn’t that only a month and a half ago? The Amazon empire is on the rise, with a net worth of $800 billion and 300 million consumers.

This e-commerce behemoth’s founder is nothing short of a miracle worker. 

The Inception

Since the company’s founding in 1994, Jeff Bezos has continued to encourage entrepreneurs. Amazon has its start in a modest garage, just like Apple. Bezos started Amazon in his Seattle home with a $250,000 loan from his parents, which was their entire life savings. Despite the fact that Bezos had planned to have five things in his inventory (compact discs, computer hardware, computer software, videos, and books), he only sold books. Amazon now employs 566,000 people and has a massive headquarters in Seattle, Washington. 

What was his route from there to here? That’s exactly why we’ve come to find out.

Cadaver to Amazon 

The company was originally called ‘Cadabra Inc.’ by Bezos. He wanted a name that sounded like the incantation “Abra Kadabra.” However, after speaking with a lawyer who misheard the word “cadaver,” he changed it to Amazon. The company was resurrected after selling products in all 50 states and more than 45 countries.

After that, the Amazon logo appeared. It had an arrow that went from A to Z to symbolize how it sells practically everything. It’s also a representation of a customer’s smile after having a fantastic Amazon purchasing experience.

The Expansion Strategies

Because of his “regret minimization strategy,” Bezos left his secure Wall Street career and relocated to Seattle. He explains it as a sophisticated way of expressing his sorrow for not jumping on the online bandwagon sooner. Despite the company’s current state, this encouraged him to continue developing and developing.

The firm began operating as an online bookstore in July 1995. Amazon announced in June 2017 that it would purchase Whole Foods Inc. for $13.7 billion USD. The deal was regarded as a “love at first sight” by Whole Foods CEO John Mackey. Meanwhile, observers saw the move as an attempt to threaten Walmart’s dominance as a physical retailer. If there’s anything that we can consider from this, it’s that this e-commerce behemoth doesn’t mess around when it comes to business.

Despite the fact that Amazon prides itself on being an “everything store,” the company never forgets its beginnings. The retail of books is the subject of many of their inventions and acquisitions. Many writers were shocked when the corporation bought Goodreads in 2013, calling it a “terrible act of vertical integration.” According to many experts, Amazon has a policy of “eliminating or absorbing competitors before they become a substantial danger.” Goodreads changed the way people read nowadays and how they discover new books. And, well, Amazon loved it, so it was taken!

Until you succeed, keep innovating.

When Bezos told his parents about his plan to open an online bookshop, they responded by asking, “What is the internet?” We’re sharing this with you to demonstrate how Amazon’s fundamental core was built on invention, which was far ahead of its time. They are not afraid of new ideas. Alternatively, they are not hesitant to exit initiatives that do not meet their expectations.

Many technologies will fail to pique the interest of consumers. On the other hand, some of amazon’s innovations will have acceptability and revolutionize the market.

The Innovation Streak!

Amazon Go 

What is the most inconvenient aspect of shopping in a store? The terrible line of people waiting to be served. Amazon Go, a digital store that started on January 22, 2018, in Seattle, aimed to tackle this problem. Customers simply need to display their Amazon Go app at the store’s entrance, and every item they purchase is automatically added to their account. We say Amazon, and you say clever.


This invention has come to be associated with the concept of digital reading. Users of Kindle devices may browse, buy, download, and read e-books, newspapers, magazines, and other digital media from the Kindle Store via wireless networking. Kindle became well-known as a result of its environmentally friendly and bibliophilic-focused marketing strategy. The first Kindle batch sold out in less than 6 hours. Is there anything else we can say?

Amazon Fire TV 

From Netflix to regular television channels, this little network appliance entertainment gadget can stream it all. When it comes to entertainment gadgets, this device with WiFi, voice search, and 4K UHD compatibility is unrivaled.

Amazon Launchpad 

An invention for the sake of innovation. Amazon Launchpad is a marketplace that curates creative, hard-to-find products created by businesses, crowdfunding platforms, and incubators. Startups receive a platform for selling their products, and Amazon grows with each product they sell. That’s what we call being true to your word!

The Success Mantra

Here are some of the reasons why we believe Amazon is where it is and will be for the foreseeable future.

  • Amazon is a customer-focused corporation that has built a number of useful features for users to track goods and return or exchange things swiftly.
  • Customers, the media, and other organizations are always quick to criticize Amazon. That is, as long as it is productive. For example, they apologized in the Kindle crisis of 2009, when George Orwell’s book “Animal Farm” was removed from all Kindle owners’ accounts. They accepted responsibility for the betrayal of trust and lack of prudence.

The Futuristic Approach

Machine learning, robotics, home automation, and space exploration are all acronyms for MARS. 

  • Home automation systems operate as if your house were a single machine. Lighting, entertainment systems, and other equipment can all be controlled by it. It also covers home security features such as access control and alarm systems. They’ve already proven their worth in home automation systems with Alexa.
  • In September 2015, Blue Origin, a Bezos-backed space exploration company, launched the Vulcan rocket into space. Bezos plans to relocate Earth’s industries and economy to other planets in the future, keeping the planet as a strictly “light and residential” environment.
  • This is unsurprising for a corporation that wants to redefine eCommerce. Amazon is well on its way to a more efficient kind of eCommerce that eliminates human errors, from deploying robots in warehouses to deploying drones for delivery.

Amazon has you covered on all fronts, from clothes to drones. We can conclude that Amazon is now officially everywhere, thanks to Bezos’ purchase of the Washington Post in 2013. Apparel, consumer electronics, cosmetics, and even space exploration are all examples of this. What does Amazon have planned for the future? Stay tuned to not miss out on it!

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