American Association of Orthodontists Warns Against Popular “Mewing” Trend

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A new social media trend, known as "mewing," has raised concerns in regards to the potential for this trend to cause unintended, and potentially harmful, side effects within the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO).
There is a controversial orthodontist named John Mew, who lost his license due to unsupported claims2. Mewing1 advocates specific tongue placement as a means of reshaping the jawline and improving the appearance of the face. Although this unregulated practice lacks scientific backing, it does carry a number of risks, including:

The American Association of Orthodontists has issued a warning against the popularity of "mewing"
As important as proper tongue posture is to oral health and development, mewing oversimplifies the complexities of the facial structure, according to Myron Guymon, DDS, MS, President of the American Academy of Orthodontics. There is no scientific evidence to support the claim that the procedure reshapes the jawline, and the potential risks outweigh any benefits that haven't been proven.I am convinced that social media is a powerful tool for the public to be informed about many subjects, including Mewing, but it is not regulated by experts; unfortunately, most members of the public are susceptible to falling prey to theories that have not been scientifically verified"1..If you want to alter your facial features, the American Academy of Otolaryngology cautions against relying on unproven, online trends. The use of orthodontic treatment remains one of the safest and most effective methods of dealing with jaw misalignments and cosmetic issues. For more information, please visit the AAAO website.For more information, please visit brief overview of the American Association of Orthodontists: The American Association of Orthodontists represents 19,000 orthodontists across the United States, Canada, and worldwide.. AAO was founded in 1900, and is the oldest and largest dental specialty organization in the world.. It is the mission of the American Academy of Orthodontics to advance the science and art of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics globally in an ethical manner; to improve dental healthcare throughout the world; to advocate for the safety of the public; to educate the public about the benefits of orthodontic treatment provided by an orthodontic specialist.. Visit for more information about the association.The organization. References: Lee U, Graves L, Friedlander A, et al. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2019;77:1743-1744. Mewing: an alternative to orthognathic surgery on social media?. You can find the article at the following link: visit (2001).The "joms".As of 2019,.On March 3rd,.In 024,. The date of access is January 18, 2024. S. Church of Christ.  There has been a lot of debate about whether traditional orthodontics ruin faces or not. Journal of the British Dental Association 2006;201:243-244. A copy of this article can be found at:'s at are 1038/sj/1038/sj.The B.D.J..4813971. The date of access is January 18, 2024. The American Association of Orthodontists is the source of this information
The American Association of Orthodontists is the source of this information
"While proper tongue posture plays a crucial role in oral health and development, mewing oversimplifies the complexity of facial structure," emphasizes Myron Guymon, DDS, MS, President of the American Academy of Orthodontics. It is impossible to prove that the product can reshape the jawline scientifically, and the potential risks far outweigh any unproven benefits."
A powerful tool for informing the public in many subject areas, including Mewing, is social media, but it is not regulated by experts, which means that many members of the public are easily fooled by theories that have not been scientifically tested before"1.
In order to improve the appearance of your facial features, the AAO advises that you avoid relying on unproven, online trends. Orthodontic treatment remains the safest and most effective method of correcting jaw misalignment and cosmetic issues. You can find out more at
The American Association of Orthodontists is a professional organization representing approximately 19,000 orthodontists throughout the United States, Canada, and other countries in the world. As one of the oldest and largest dental specialty organizations in the world, AAO was founded in 1900. AAO is dedicated to ethically advancing the art and science of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics in the world; improving the overall oral health of the general public; advocating for the health and safety of the general public; educating the public about the benefits of orthodontic treatment provided by an orthodontic specialist.. Visit for more information on this topic.The organization
The organization
References include the following:
SOURCE The American Association of Orthodontists

Source prnewswire

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