Armorial movement and Ariano Suasuna

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Brazil’s most well-known novelist, Ariano Suassuna, hails from Paraba. A real intellectual from the Northeast. He is perhaps one of the most proud intellectual and aesthetic representatives of the distinctive features and indelible markings of Brazilian art and culture. He did, in fact, cultivate a specific love for the popularity influence in these.

He is regarded as the movement’s principal patron in this sense. The admiration of popular northeastern arts was aroused by a number of artistic movements, including those in literature, music, theatre, architecture, cinema, and various dance and plastic arts variations. The development and establishment of a Brazilian art form with only popular roots served as its cornerstone. According to Marta Fadel Lobo, art collector and lawyer member of the board of the Brazilian Bar Association in Rio de Janeiro (OAB/ RJ), the intention was to commemorate the beauty, elegance, and strength of the arts emerging from the content and creative people of the Northeast.

Source: Prnewswire

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