Asetek A/S – Publication of Request to Delist Asetek’s Shares From Oslo Børs

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In continuation of Asetek A/S' ("Asetek") announcement on 8 March 2023 regarding Asetek's intention to list its shares on Nasdaq Copenhagen and subsequently apply for delisting of its shares on Oslo Børs, an extraordinary general meeting held on 5 December 2023 has resolved to approve an application for delisting of Asetek's shares on Oslo Børs. As such, Asetek has today submitted an application for delisting of Asetek's shares to Oslo Børs.
The delisting is expected to take place on or about 1 April 2024 if Oslo Bres accepts the application, and subject to any further requirements that are requested by Oslo Bres.
The following timeline has been contemplated by Asetek for the process of delisting:
Asetek's shares have been dual listed on Oslo Børs and Nasdaq Copenhagen, since the listing on Nasdaq Copenhagen on 17 May 2023 and will continue to be listed on Nasdaq Copenhagen following the delisting from Oslo Børs.
For more information about how to transfer shares to Nasdaq Copenhagen, please click the link below or visit for more information.  
The company's website can be found at for more information. 
In order to obtain further information, please contact the following:
The Chief Financial Officer is Peter Dam Madsen. His mobile number is +45 2080 7200 and his e-mail address is [email protected]
The Head of Investor Relations is Per Anders Nyman, whose phone number is +45 2566 6869, and his email address is [email protected].
You can download the following files from the following links:
Asetek is the source of this information
There was an extraordinary general meeting of Asetek A/S (the "Company") held at 10:00 AM CET today at the headquarters of the company, Assensvej 2, DK-9220, in Copenhagen, Denmark...
It is with great pleasure that the Board of Directors of Asetek A/S gives notice of an extraordinary general meeting scheduled for Tuesday, December 5, 2023 at 10:00 AM Central European Time.
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