At the ASHG Annual Meeting, Complete Genomics, a division of MGI, announced next-generation sequencing platforms.

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From October 25 to 29, in Los Angeles, the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) Annual Meeting will commemorate the US commercial debut of Complete Genomics’ DNBSEQTM sequencing product line.

MGI is a multinational provider of life science tools, supplying NGS sequencing technologies and lab automation all around the world.

Sample extraction, library preparation, automation systems, sequencing platforms, and bioinformatics are just a few of the connected goods that Comprehensive Genomics offers along with complete NGS instrumentation. Despite being new to the US market, MGI has deployed thousands of NGS sequencers worldwide since 2017 and has been a provider of sequencers since that year. With its most recent invention, DNBSEQTM, MGI redefines the possibilities for sequencing. Index hopping and clonal mistakes during the sequencing step of an NGS workflow are eliminated by this technique, which is available on all sequencing systems. This procedure improves sequencing capabilities and speeds up scientific advancements for researchers by making it much more accurate, adaptable, and inexpensive.

DNBSEQ-E25*, DNBSEQ-G400*, DNBSEQ-T7*, and DNBSEQ-T10x4* are on display by Complete Genomics at the MGI booth (#1803) at ASHG. In August, Complete Genomics released their DNBSEQ-G400* sequencers in the US, and within a week, the first few units had been delivered to customers’ labs. The daily, medium throughput (data output up to 1440Gb daily) benchtop sequencer DNBSEQ-G400* provides a wide range of possibilities for researchers. With two different types of flow cells (550M/reads vs 1800M/reads) and a range of read length options from SE50 to SE400 or PE300, the DNBSEQ-G400* can run 1 or 2 flow cells.

Source: Prnewswire

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