Aventiv Technologies’s statement regarding the 2022 Martha Wright-Reed Just and Reasonable Communications Act

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Aventiv Technologies has provided the following comment about the Martha Wright-Reed Just and Reasonable Communications Act of 2022.
“We back the bill and think it is past time for our business to cease sparring with lawmakers and regulators who are pro-reform. Instead, we’ve developed a more cooperative strategy that strikes a balance between the requirements of the prison agencies that hire us, as well as the detained people and their families who use and pay for our services ” We are aligned with Congress and the FCC on a shared goal of cost, accessibility, and thoughtful regulation that guarantees prisoners benefit from technology that makes rehabilitative justice a reality, in stark contrast to many other suppliers of inmate communications services ” In order to achieve this, we have spent hundreds of millions of dollars to fill digital deserts in prisons. With the full support of our ownership, our company has drastically changed how we do business and promoted a reform agenda across the nation. The average cost of our calls has decreased even as we have renegotiated hundreds of contracts, offered no-commission choices to government customers where needed, assisted in maintaining public safety, and modernised our offerings ” We will keep collaborating with regulators to adopt a data-driven strategy that provides consumer-friendly technology solutions. Since it involves investment of capital to bridge the digital divide in prisons, regulation needs to help drive capital and resources into jails so prisoners are given the tools to have better results.

Source: Prnewswire

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