and Rohde & Schwarz collaborate to offer telco-grade SDx ipoque GmbH

27 0 and Rohde & Schwarz collaborate to offer telco-grade SDx ipoque GmbH, a Rohde & Schwarz subsidiary, announced today that, an Israeli supplier of enterprise-grade software-defined connectivity solutions, has chosen its state-of-the-art deep packet inspection (DPI) engine, R&S®PACE 2. Through their partnership, the two businesses will be able to give service providers’ SDx services like SD-WAN with real-time, cutting-edge traffic insights.

The first software-defined, cloud-based solution for secure network connectivity will use ipoque’s R&S®PACE 2 in its BeBroadbandTM Edge software. BeBroadbandTM provides service providers with a very adaptable, hardware-independent platform that links clients’ branch offices, data centres, campuses, and corporate offices. Service providers can commission, regulate, and monitor connectivity across any number of consumers and end devices across any network, including IoT, GW, LAN, WAN, and cloud, thanks to its unified orchestration platform. BeBroadbandTM is an off-the-shelf solution with zero-touch provisioning that can be easily incorporated into any cloud and edge architecture.

The implementation of R&S®PACE 2 provides BeBroadbandTM with cutting-edge traffic filtering capabilities. R&S®PACE 2 provides BeBroadbandTM with granular traffic visibility up to layer 7 and beyond, enabling real-time identification of applications and service types. It does this by leveraging metadata extraction and advanced traffic classification methodologies that include behavioural, heuristic, and statistical analytics. The encrypted traffic intelligence (ETI) feature of R&S®PACE 2 allows for the detection of encrypted, obfuscated, and anonymized traffic flows and applications. ETI uses machine learning, deep learning, and high-dimensional data analysis.

Service providers deploying BeBroadbandTM will have access to detailed information about traffic traversing their networks, across any number of links and connectivity types such as 5G, 4G, xDSL, broadband, and MPLS, by leveraging ipoque’s traffic classification, which boasts the highest accuracy rates in the industry. At the same time, R&S®PACE 2’s real-time threat identification capability provides BeBroadbandTM nodes with knowledge of suspicious or unusual traffic flows, enabling service providers to identify threats and take appropriate action before they spread widely.

Source: Prnewswire

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