Bloor’s Market Update on Sensitive Data Discovery Tools names Global IDs as the Champion.

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Global IDs, a pioneer in metadata management solutions for more than 20 years, is proud to share that it has been recognised as a “Champion” in the esteemed Bloor Market Update on Sensitive Data Discovery Tools 2022.
Everyone is worried about how businesses manage their personal information, and global privacy rules are becoming increasingly stringent. The amount of data that businesses must gather and keep in order to function, provide for their customers and staff, and run their businesses is a challenge. It is an overwhelming challenge to maintain effective protection for all sensitive data. “Global IDs is honoured to be recognised as a Champion in this capability, providing automation through machine learning and artificial intelligence to deliver at scale. According to Lisa DiGiorgio, SVP, Client and Channel Engagement at Global IDs, “We are focused on delivering solutions that enable the C-level to sleep at night knowing they are taking the steps they need to protect customer, employee, and other sensitive data with minimal human resource support to achieve results.”
Bloor’s paper assesses a number of software providers of sensitive data discovery and offers valuable insight on the significance of putting in place a method that automates this procedure. Discovering Sensitive Data, Part 2: Bloor Research, for more information. . Without these core talents, conducting business in the digital age may have unfavourable effects. Global IDs has adopted a strategy to assist any size firm swiftly and confidently determine where all sensitive data is housed, assisting businesses to prevent significant risks related to data loss or improper use of personal information.

Source: Prnewswire

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