Casio to Release Metaverse-Based Virtual Ride Through the World of G-SHOCK Durability Testing

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Today, Casio Computer Co., Ltd. announced the release of G-SHOCK THE RIDE, a virtual attraction that allows users to experience what it is like to be part of the durability testing Casio puts the G-SHOCK line of shock-resistant watches through during its durability testing. There is a virtual ride that resembles an amusement park on the social virtual reality platform VRChat.
On October 20, 2023, Casio opened a virtual G-SHOCK store on VRChat to offer visitors metaverse-based content related to G-SHOCK customization, as well as seeing how avatars on VRChat look when wearing the watches they have designed. This space has been created so that it will act as a point of contact between the G-SHOCK brand and new users.
It was announced by Casio in October 2023 that a virtual G-SHOCK STORE would be opened on VRChat in order to provide metaverse-based content to visitors, such as the ability to customize G-SHOCK watches, see how avatars on VRChat look when they're wearing the watches they've created, and much more. This space is meant to serve as a bridge between the G-SHOCK brand and its new users.
Now, Casio is releasing G-SHOCK THE RIDE, a ride-type attraction that offers users simulated experiences of futuristic durability tests conducted with G-SHOCK watches as a second option for VRChat-based content.
The G-SHOCK THE RIDE has been inspired by actual durability tests conducted at the Hamura R&D Center, where G-SHOCK conducts much of its development and research for the brand's watches. However, G-SHOCK THE RIDE goes far beyond that, featuring an imagined narrative that imagines what the future may hold for these durability tests.. In this attraction, users are invited to hop on board a G-SHOCK with their avatars as if they were stepping onto a ride at an amusement park, in order to experience the kinds of fantastic, beyond-reality experiences that can only be achieved using virtual reality technology. Apart from the fun, game-like experience that G-SHOCK THE RIDE offers, it also allows the visitor to experience the real, reality-based worldview of G-SHOCK along with the exacting durability tests that the brand conducts to ensure that its watches stay strong for as long as possible
Apart from the fun, game-like experience that G-SHOCK THE RIDE offers, it also allows the visitor to experience the real, reality-based worldview of G-SHOCK along with the exacting durability tests that the brand conducts to ensure that its watches stay strong for as long as possible
VRChat: What you need to know
It is a virtual reality metaverse platform where users are able to assume the form of avatars and participate in interactive experiences in virtual worlds using VRChat. As a result of the platform's popularity, millions of people have formed a wide variety of user communities in which they can freely engage in metaverse activity.
The source of this information is CASIO COMPUTER CO., LTD.
Casio Computer Co., Ltd. announced yesterday that it has released the G-SHOCK THE RIDE, which is a virtual attraction that allows users to experience what it would be like to ride a motorcycle.
In the news this morning, CASIO COMPUTER CO., LTD. announced that it has launched G-SHOCK THE RIDE, a virtual attraction that allows users to experience what it would be like to actually ride a G-SHOCK.
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