Celebrate Seven Mortal Sins X-TASY 1.5 Year Anniversary + New Version 2.2.5

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Please accept our sincere thanks to all of you for your fervent support. Get ready for the Seven Mortal Sins X-TASY update that will be released towards the end of 2023, which will feature three very exciting new systems: "Ultra Transcend," "Stellar Surge," and "Echo Collection.".
This is the beginning of the Starshard Revolution! - "Stellar Surge"

There are infinite possibilities for starshards with the "Advanced Effects," "Forge," and "Attribute Inheritance" coming soon!
In the upcoming version, there will be new starshards with advanced effects, random generated through starshard forging, that will revitalize existing sets and create the most powerful new-generation starshard combos.
At lower upgrade levels, the advanced effects are capable of offering higher attribute bonuses compared to older starshards.
The transition from old to new is seamless, especially when combined with "Attribute Inheritance" for a painless power boost! Stellar Surge is definitely the next step up for your starshards in terms of power! 
The Era of "Ultra Transcend" Has Arrived When It Comes to Power Upgrades
The new version introduces a new enhancement feature called "Ultra Transcend," which boosts the performance of your casts to the maximum extent possible.
As opposed to regular breakthroughs, it requires that you use the same casts or its bunrei in order to raise the "Ultra Level" in order to gain an advantage over lower-level foes on both the offensive and defensive sides.
Your party's strength can be bolstered by the unused casts in your collection that you can include in your collection by increasing their Ultra Levels. The "Total Ultra Level" of all your casts contributes to your party's strength, giving you a strategic advantage during battles.
It's good news for worshippers who are struggling to keep up on the new version's event: the new version's event will offer more bunreis as rewards, allowing everyone to fully enjoy the pleasure of a growing cast!
The cast must be a "Demon Lord", "Angel", or "Rider" in order to be eligible for Ultra Transcend.
It's a Diligent Worshipper's Paradise - "Echo Collection"
Is it always the case that you crave more, but your pockets are still empty?
Don't be worried about new challenges. The Echo Collection is your ultimate ally when it comes to overcoming them.
As you collect memories and desires of Demon Lords and Angels, you will be able to fulfill your dreams of having a "super-massive" wealth.
There are no scams involved here, only sincere prizes and abundant rewards you won't want to miss out on!
For returning players, simply log into the game and receive a treasure trove of goodies, including Diamonds, 5 Awaker Scrolls, and an exclusive Selector Box filled with original cast members (Sins, Angels, or Producer). Tune into Limbo TV's latest prime-time lineup - stay tuned for even more goodies!
Visit the official website for more information about the event.
The source of this information is UserJoy Technology Co., Ltd.
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