CGTN: As policy has improved, Chinese people are sharing their COVID experiences.

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Chinese digital gadget YouTuber Vincent Zhong has over 372,000 subscribers. In addition to cellphones, headphones, and computers, it just debuted a unique item called COVID-19.

On December 2, Zhong remarked in a video of a positive COVID test result, “I’m screwed.” I’d like to share my experience with the virus with you in the hopes that it will help you better understand it and get ready for it.

The virus is “far more than a major flu,” according to his observations during the first eight days after infection, and it can cause “severe issues.”

With more than 200,000 impressions and more than 2,000 comments, this video has received more views on his channel than any other in the past month.

Additionally, Zhong uploaded his movie to Bilibili, a Chinese version of YouTube, where it garnered over five million views and more than 18,000 comments.

Source: Prnewswire

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