China Daily: Digital tech helps rural economies thrive

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There is no doubt that technology plays an important role in promoting economic growth. According to research carried out by the International Telecommunication Union, an increase in mobile broadband penetration of 10 percent led to an increase in the real GDP per capita of 1.5 percent on average.
Providing the right digital infrastructure can help rural economies flourish, such as the one in Southwest China's Yunnan Province, where local operators are expanding 5G and fiber connectivity to remote areas through the deployment of universal telecommunications services.
It is Huawei's responsibility as a digital infrastructure provider to contribute to the development of Yunnan's digital economy.
A local operator and Huawei have been exploring innovative ways to improve rural coverage as well as reduce its costs, said Lei Lei, director of Huawei's Yunnan carrier business department, in a statement.
In Heshun, smart tourism is a reality
It has been reported that the ancient Ming-era town of Heshun, for example, is fully covered by a 5G network.  
The result is that a visitor's car can be parked in an optimal location. However, first-time visitors do not have to worry about getting lost. Through a WeChat mini program, they can find their way around, purchase tickets, locate restaurants, catch a bus, and book hotels in addition to other things.
To respond to any emergency in the city, the urban administration can receive alarms from fifty points throughout the city.
The physical infrastructure also has built-in intelligence. Automated photo printers allow shutterbugs to scan a QR code and print their snapshots on-site using automatic photo printers. Furthermore, there are benches with solar panels and electrical outlets that can be used to charge smartphones, while smart water fountains are also available for monitoring the water quality and flow.
It is possible to see what Heshun looks like if it is covered in snow if you visit in July using virtual reality and 3D digital animation technology.
As part of Heshun's digital infrastructure, it is also able to protect the natural environment and its historically significant sites by installing security cameras and monitoring a fire system at these sites.
According to Chang Zaifei, deputy director of the Tengchong culture and tourism bureau, a total of 13.37 million tourists came to Tengchong between January and September, generating 17.1 billion yuan ($2.4 billion) in tourism revenue, up 22 percent and 38 percent respectively, compared to last year.
In the city of Heshun, for instance, more than 4,000 local residents have been able to increase their income as a result of the new economic opportunities opened up by tourism, which, in turn, have been created as a result of the expansion of digital infrastructure. 
The China Daily is the source for this information
In the last 45 years, reform and opening-up have emerged as a pivotal strategy in determining the fate of modern China, making it possible for the nation to reconcile its past with its present.
Wuhan Textile University held a second International Conference on Fashion and Sustainability with the theme "Integration and Sharing", and the event was organized by the Institute of Fashion and Sustainability.
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