Clyde & Co Select LexisNexis® as Global Partner to Deliver Lexis® Everyfile as Part of the Firm’s Ongoing Innovation in Client Service Strategy

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LexisNexis Enterprise Solutions, the specialist software solutions division of LexisNexis UK, has announced today that they have entered into a legal technology partnership with Clyde & Co, a world leading law firm.
A technology-based innovation in client service and matter delivery by Clyde & Co. has resulted in the firm's use of Lexis Everyfile as part of Lexis® Omni, which is part of the Lexis® Omni platform. With Lexis Everyfile, the firm's lawyers can access key delivery tools through their preferred interface, improving delivery efficiency and supporting great client service.
In Lexis Everyfile, legal matters are managed and delivered from beginning to end through a digital file called Lexis Everyfile. With the cloud accessibility through Microsoft Azure, it provides a firm-wide foundation for ensuring consistent, quality outcomes, as well as a highly configurable system that can easily be adapted to specific client requirements, facilitating a positive user experience, and meeting the needs of individual legal practices.
The Head of Legal Delivery and Innovation at Clyde & Co, Nick Roberts, said, "Our partnership with LexisNexis is aimed at developing Lexis Everyfile as one of the key components of our innovation strategy". As a result of our close collaboration with LexisNexis, Clyde & Co has been able to produce a simple and easy-to-use application that enables our lawyers to digitally manage even the most complex matters they deal with on a daily basis. Taking advantage of Lexis® VisualfilesTM and Lexis EveryfileTM, we will continue to work with LexisNexis to further enhance the application in order to drive incremental gains from the entire Lexis Omni software suite as we introduce them to these two tools.." 

In order to achieve 'tailored flexibility', Clyde & Co has chosen Lexis Omni as part of a phased and considered approach. As part of addressing the industry challenge of high-volume caseload, the firm has implemented Visualfiles in large parts of its business, whilst working with LexisNexis to develop a new solution that can be used for cases that are more complex, high value, and require non-procedural, attentive case handling in order to handle them.. Clyde & Co now has access to a firm-wide solution that caters to the unique needs of each lawyer, ensuring each part of the business has the technology it needs to handle the type of work it does
Clyde & Co now has access to a firm-wide solution that caters to the unique needs of each lawyer, ensuring each part of the business has the technology it needs to handle the type of work it does
According to Nick Roberts, "Clyde & Co has helped us design technology solutions that we were unable to find anywhere else". The complexity of the law requires flexible fee earner friendly tools to be able to manage high-value files, such as major projects lasting for many months, which have several contributors and many moving parts.. Having shared our experiences and insights with LexisNexis and Everyfile, we are delighted that our vision can now be realised, allowing our lawyers to provide the best possible service to our clients, through partnering with LexisNexis and Everyfile.."  
In the words of Andrew Lindsay, the General Manager at LexisNexis Enterprise Solutions, "Lexis Everyfile has been developed in order to address the challenges facing today's legal market – there is intense competition to be a part of, there is a growing demand for client service, and there are strict data security regulations to adhere to.. There is no longer the need for law firms to 'settle' on a solution that appears to be 'closest' to their needs in order to make use of it. When we first started working collaboratively with Clyde & Co, it was clear that they had an innate understanding of the market gap and the need for a whole business management solution that would be able to wrap up every single case type for their lawyers in a way that would meet their lawyers' needs the best.. In my opinion, Clyde & Co has been a fantastic partner to work with as they have truly demonstrated a vision for the future delivery of law, which will allow them to transform their specialist sectors and keep them ahead of their competition in their field."
In my opinion, Clyde & Co has been a fantastic partner to work with as they have truly demonstrated a vision for the future delivery of law, which will allow them to transform their specialist sectors and keep them ahead of their competition in their field."
In addition to Lexis Everyfile within the LexisNexis Enterprise Solutions product portfolio, LexisNexis Enterprise Solutions provides a completely flexible solution, capable of providing workflows and process automation solutions that can be tailored to meet the needs of both high volume legal services providers and high-value, low-volume commercial law firms.
LexisNexis Legal & Professional is a leading provider of legal and business information
As a global leader in legal, regulatory, and business information and analytics, LexisNexis Legal & Professional® is committed to helping our customers increase productivity, improve decision-making, provide better outcomes, and advance the rule of law around the globe.. With its Lexis® and Nexis® services, the company was a digital pioneer in providing legal and business information online for the first time in the industry. As a global provider of information-based analytics and decision tools for business and professional clients, LexisNexis Legal & Professional, which serves customers in more than 150 countries, is part of RELX, a global provider of information-based analytics and decision tools for business and professional clients
As a global provider of information-based analytics and decision tools for business and professional clients, LexisNexis Legal & Professional, which serves customers in more than 150 countries, is part of RELX, a global provider of information-based analytics and decision tools for business and professional clients

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