Continental Who’s Who honours Claudio Calado, CEO

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For his achievements to the car sector, Continental Who’s Who has named Claudio Calado, CEO, a Top Pinnacle Professional.
The Technical University of Dortmund awarded Mr. Calado a Master’s in Economics in 2004. He is regarded as an authority in promoting Corporate Strategic Growth.
The CEO has had numerous proud moments throughout the course of his career, including starting an investment bank and hiring people and guiding them to great success. Mr. Calado delivered OEMs for the automotive sector and clarified that an OEM produces systems or components that are integrated into the final product of another business.
The AICPA is connected to Mr. Calado. He has spent a total of 22 years in the sector and has been in his current position since November 2009. The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority has granted the CEO a licence (FINRA).
The Detroit Business Magazine has featured many of Mr. Calado’s pieces. He credits his methodical, analytical, and extremely disciplined attitude for his achievement. He says that this helps him stay focused because he is also very goal-oriented.
Please contact Mr. Calado personally through email at and visit the website for more information.

Source: Prnewswire

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