Continuum Ag Launches Billion Bushel Challenge

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According to Continuum Ag, with an estimated 6 billion bushels of ethanol being produced next year, they have set their sights on helping the industry reach a carbon intensity score of over a billion bushels by the year 2024. As Continuum Ag's vision and mission are to help one million farmers improve their profitability through improved soil health, the Billion Bushel Challenge initiative will support the company's mission and vision.
As Continuum's VP of Sales and seventh generation Iowa Heritage farmer, Chad Scebold, commented, "This is the beginning of something very big, and we are looking forward to working together with our fellow farmers to make sure that they understand the value of what we already do today, so that they can be rewarded for producing low CI grains," said Scebold. With our assistance, growers will be empowered to control their narrative and empower their data – visibility and rewards will make the effort to implement sustainable farming practices worth the effort to them."
In this case, it is just the beginning of something very big for Continuum, and we are excited to partner up with our fellow farmers, in order to help them see the value of what we already do today. Now is the time to be rewarded for producing low CI grain," said Continuum's Vice President of Sales & Seventh Generation Iowa Heritage Farmer, Chad Scebold. By working together, we will empower their data and control their narrative - visibility and rewards will make the effort of a grower to adopt sustainable farming practices worthwhile for them.
In order to help farmers take charge of their biofuel production, the Billion Bushel Challenge has launched to provide them with the Carbon Intensity Scores they need
With the introduction of Section 45Z Tax Credits for the year of 2025, biofuel manufacturers hope to be able to earn tax credits by creating low carbon fuels. At the moment, grain is the major influencer of biofuel's CI score, according to the US Department of Energy, however grains can be grown in low carbon systems and could eventually result in a negative CI score.. A billion bushel challenge is a way to increase the awareness of low carbon grain for biofuel production, which gives Farmers the visibility they need, the control of their premiums, and the reward they deserve as a result of growing low carbon grain for biofuel production.
A billion bushel challenge is a way to increase the awareness of low carbon grain for biofuel production, which gives Farmers the visibility they need, the control of their premiums, and the reward they deserve as a result of growing low carbon grain for biofuel production.
The Founder and CEO of Continuum Ag, Mitchell Hora, says, "Continuum Ag's mission is to activate and encourage farmers across the nation to, among other things, better understand what is going on under their feet as well as to use the power of technology to do so.". There is no doubt that I am incredibly bullish about the carbon intensity concept and look forward to seeing it play out beyond the biofuel market for a long time to come..We believe that now is the time for farmers to lead the charge with the Billion Bushel Challenge in order to ensure visibility, control, and rewards for farmers. Farmers are needed by biofuels, and farmers are needed by biofuels, Continuum Ag believes that now is the time for farmers to lead the charge..We will be hosting a live launch event on Monday, November 20, 2023 at 4 PM CST. You can register here: in.Please visit us/webinar/register/WN_mWFv-R-QQHWRLzHAKsXw5QFor More Information, please contact: Director of Marketing, Diana Rich at [email protected] 855 855 855.It is 805..The 5700SOURCE Continuum Aggregate
The 5700SOURCE Continuum Aggregate
It is the mission of Continuum Ag to work with farmers across the nation to better understand what's going on under their feet and to utilize technology to accomplish this," says Continuum Ag's Founder & CEO Mitchell Hora. The concept of carbon intensity is extremely powerful to me and I am looking forward to seeing how it plays out beyond the biofuel market.
In order for biofuels to be produced, farmers need low CI grain from farmers, and biofuels require farmers, which is why Continuum Ag believes that now is the time for farmers to lead the charge with the Billion Bushel Challenge to ensure visibility, control, and rewards for their efforts.
There will be a live launch event on Monday, November 20, 2023 at 4 PM CST. To register for this event, please visit:
Please contact our Director of Marketing, Diana Rich at [email protected] or call 855-805.5700 for more information.
The source is Continuum Agriculture
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