CrossTower will purchase BEQUANT and introduce the first ESG cryptocurrency fund in the market.

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The leading prime brokerage and digital asset exchange BEQUANT will be acquired by CrossTower, a leading cryptocurrency trading platform, for an undisclosed sum. The first ESG Crypto Fund, which CrossTower and the Lydian Group are launching together, will invest in and rebuild businesses with bright futures.

CrossTower will be able to increase the number of professional-grade products it offers for a global market that includes the US, Bermuda, Europe, Latin America, and Asia thanks to BEQUANT’s institutional trading and prime brokerage platform. CrossTower will gain over 600 professional exchange clients as a result of this acquisition, and with more than a dozen connected exchanges, it will have a yearly turnover of over $400 billion.

The ESG Crypto Fund will make investments in businesses that:

1) Environment – Given the decreased asset pricing and the overall cost of energy, the industry must become more adept at managing energy costs.

2) Social – A few players’ avarice has damaged the industry’s reputation. The importance of crypto must once again be centred on the people and the democratisation of finance.

Source: Prnewswire

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