Documentary on PBS’s NOVA Highlights the Affordable Housing Token EquityCoin®

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They created EquityCoin®, the first digital currency backed by affordable housing, and today it was reported that Vernon J., CEO of Equity Platforms, Inc., and Akil Ash, CTO of Equity Platforms, Inc., were featured on PBS’s latest NOVA Documentary titled “Crypto Decoded.”

The documentary debunks common misconceptions about blockchain by interviewing industry insiders who investigate the technology’s origins and the myriad ways it could revolutionise industries outside finance.

Vernon remarked that it was “certainly a weird feeling” to have EquityCoin featured in the documentary “Crypto Decoded” alongside some of the world’s most prolific blockchain initiatives. I believe that blockchain is a revolutionary technology masquerading as a casino, and that individuals at the helm of the business should have their sights set squarely on resolving some of the most pressing problems facing modern civilization rather than gambling on the latest meme coin.

The National Low Income Housing Association estimates that more than half a million Americans experience homelessness on any given night, and with a scarcity of nearly 7 million affordable housing units, the situation has reached a crisis level. However, underserved groups have rarely been given access to real estate, which is one of the most powerful wealth-building tools accessible.

Source: Prnewswire

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