Duncan Williams Asset Management Named 25th Fastest Growing RIA by SmartAsset

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According to SmartAsset's most recent analysis, Duncan Williams Asset Management (DWAM) has earned the distinction of being the 25th fastest-growing Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) in the United States, according to the company's most recent analysis.. More than 15,000 investment advisors are registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in the financial advisory industry. The results of the survey place DWAM among the top performers among 1,700 SEC-registered investment advisors with no disclosures, offering personal financial planning services to clients and managing over $500 million in assets on behalf of them.. In the past year, DWAM has shown impressive growth by increasing its client accounts by 26 percent, which is quite impressive.Five percent. Moreover, the assets under management (AUM) of the firm have grown by 23 percent during the past year.An annual growth rate of 7%
An annual growth rate of 7%
The Founder and Chairman of Duncan Williams Asset Management, Duncan F. Williams, expressed his pride in SmartAsset's acknowledgment of the company's RIA status for 2022. According to him, this accomplishment underscores the sustained growth of DWAM, which is driven by its dedication and continuing commitment to assisting clients and the community in achieving financial success.
"This achievement reflects the efforts, enthusiasm, and commitment of our DWAM team, as well as the efforts and enthusiasm of our President David Scully," continued Scully, President at DWAM. The Memphis community has given us the confidence and trust to oversee such an important part of their financial investment, and we are deeply grateful for that."
If you would like to learn more about SmartAsset's comprehensive analysis and the complete rankings, please visit SmartAsset's 2023 Fastest Growing RIAs for more details.
A brief history of Duncan Williams Asset Management: Duncan Williams Asset Management is a fee-only financial advisory firm headquartered in Memphis, TN and currently advises approximately $1.1 billion. The company provides high-net-worth individuals, families, non-profit organizations, foundations, and institutions with customized financial planning and comprehensive wealth management services. It is the goal of DWAM to offer personalized financial advice based on the client's goals, risk tolerance, and lifestyle requirements, as a fee-only personal financial advisory firm.

Source prnewswire

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