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Elisa Oyj: CalcuQuote and Partner to Simplify Product Carbon Footprint Measurement for Electronics Manufacturers
The collaboration between CalcuQuote and will transform the electronics manufacturing industry by bringing instant, artificial intelligence-powered, and cost-efficient product carbon footprint measurement directly to supply chain workflows.Electronics manufacturers need to track emissions at every stage of the supply chain, from raw materials and transportation to manufacturing, packaging, and end-of-life treatment.CalcuQuote customers can reduce carbon footprint calculation time from months to minutes with's automation.The barriers to carbon tracking are eliminated through this collaboration between CalcuQuote and shares the mission of a sustainable future through digitalisation by integrating's carbon footprint solution into existing supply chain processes.CalcuQuote drives supply chain automation with innovative solutions, and we are pleased to collaborate with them to extend this to product carbon footprint calculations.There is a free carbon footprint analysis.To help electronics manufacturers take the next step in data-drivensustainability, CalcuQuote is offering a free product carbon footprint report.You can get a carbon footprint report for free.There are more information and interview requests.Email protected, tel. +358 50 305 1605About CalcuQuote.CalcuQuote provides software solutions that improve supply chain operations and serve as a strategic partner to manufacturers.About Banyan.The world's first sustainable design platform for electronics is brought this information to you.The following files can be downloaded.The world's largest sand battery is currently being built in southern Finland.Do not sell or share my information.
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