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EpicQuest Education Announces New Recruiting Initiatives
As the provider of comprehensive educational solutions in the United States, Canada, and the UK to domestic and international students seeking college and university degrees, EpicQuest Education Group International Limited (NASDAQ: EEIQ), a parent company of EpicQuest Education, ("EpicQuest Education", "EEIQ" or the "Company"), has announced today that EduGlobal College is now offering the 'Canada's Top 3 Elite Training Program', and Davis University has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with Hetu Education Technology Co..Ltd., a company incorporated in 1990.The company is located in the Chinese province of Xinjiang. In the coming months, the Company anticipates that the new initiatives for its two owned and operated schools will assist it in bolstering its revenue in order to stay in business In the coming months, the Company anticipates that the new initiatives for its two owned and operated schools will assist it in bolstering its revenue in order to stay in businessAs a result of these new bold recruiting initiatives, we think we will continue to build on the success of our international recruiting programs.. With the new program offered by EduGlobal College, we are able to offer a comprehensive and unique solution to students who wish to pursue higher education in Canada as well as career opportunities there. A new collaboration that Davis University has entered into may also have the potential to provide a steadily increasing stream of new students for the university as a result of the new collaboration. "We expect to increase enrollment and revenue going forward as a result of our growth strategy of internationalization, which has led us to increase our focus on recruiting from different regions throughout the world," said Jianbo Zhang, CEO of EpicQuest Education. "We expect to increase enrollment and revenue going forward as a result of our growth strategy of internationalization, which has led us to increase our focus on recruiting from different regions throughout the world," said Jianbo Zhang, CEO of EpicQuest Education.During a special event at the Capital Club, a private club located on the 50th floor of the Capital Building in Beijing serving high-level business people, EpicQuest Education's EduGlobal College ("EduGlobal") officially launched its 'Canada's Top 3 Elite Training Program'. The club serves high-level business people in China.. Our live event was attended by over 150 participants, either in person or via the internet, from around the world. As a result of the program, Chinese students who want to pursue their studies at top universities in Canada are provided with a seamless academic transition. It is expected that students who meet the admissions criteria and requisite course requirements at EduGlobal will be able to transfer to top universities throughout the country It is expected that students who meet the admissions criteria and requisite course requirements at EduGlobal will be able to transfer to top universities throughout the countryIt is well known that EduGlobal is one of the best in the world when it comes to the provision of English proficiency courses, providing students from all over the world with the linguistic skills they need when studying in an academic institution. The English Language Program provides students with a solid English language foundation that prepares them for academic studies as well as first-year courses that may be transferred to Canadian universities as well as offering career planning and paid internships and employment services to students.. As part of the program, students have access to comprehensive life services that enable them to focus on their academic performance. In addition to getting professional immigration consultation and services after graduation, students intending to live long-term in Canada may also be able to consult with EduGlobal partners for assistance with visa extensions, work visa applications, permanent residency applications, as well as legal and procedural advice. In addition to getting professional immigration consultation and services after graduation, students intending to live long-term in Canada may also be able to consult with EduGlobal partners for assistance with visa extensions, work visa applications, permanent residency applications, as well as legal and procedural advice.Aside from that, EpicQuest Education's Davis University ("Davis") has entered into an articulation agreement with Hetu Education Technology Co., Ltd.., a private company based in London. Hetu provides the following opportunities through its JNC Summer School ("JNC") for JNC to (1) recruit non-degree students to take either in-person or online courses during the summer at Davis, and (2) to recruit students to transfer to the Davis Associate and Bachelor's Degree programs.. Founded by Hetu, JNC is one of the first programs in China that offers summer credit courses to international students and was among the first educational programs in China to do so. A sustainable and significant growth in the number of summer courses offered to these students recruited by JNC is expected to take place over the next few years A sustainable and significant growth in the number of summer courses offered to these students recruited by JNC is expected to take place over the next few yearsIn order for EEIQ to achieve sustainable growth, it has implemented a strategy of internationalization to achieve sustainable growth. Specifically, this refers to Davis College and EduGlobal College, which are our owned and operated colleges, as well as our recruiting relationship with Miami University Regionals as well. The Company focuses on broadening the scope of our academic programs and diversifying and growing its student base in order to achieve its strategic goals. It is the philosophy of EEIQ that its strategy of internationalization, which also includes working collaborations around the world, promotes academic excellence and student achievement by bringing out the very best in academia. It is the philosophy of EEIQ that its strategy of internationalization, which also includes working collaborations around the world, promotes academic excellence and student achievement by bringing out the very best in academia.A brief description of EpicQuest Education Group International Limited can be found belowThe EpicQuest Education Group International Limited ("EpicQuest Education" or the "Company") offers a wide range of comprehensive educational solutions to domestic and international students seeking to acquire university or college degrees in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom.. In addition to owning and operating EduGlobal College, a college located in British Columbia, Canada, the company also offers English proficiency educational programming to undergraduate and graduate students pursuing academic degrees in the country. As a 70% owner of Davis University, a career training college in Toledo, Ohio, the Company operates and is a member of the board of directors of the institution. It also has a recruiting relationship with Miami University Regional campuses, where the Company maintains residential facilities, a full-service cafeteria, recreational facilities, shuttle buses, as well as an office that provides study abroad and post-study services to its students on its regional campuses. The facilities that Miami University operates and owns are not owned, operated or controlled by Miami University.. In addition, the Company is also a recruiting agent for the University of the West of Scotland (through The Education Group (London) Ltd) and Coventry University, both of which are based in the United Kingdom.. Please visit the following website for more information:.Education at EpicQuest.Visit of Safe HarborAccordingly, certain of the statements made in this press release are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, within the meaning of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.. Forward-looking statements include statements with respect to our beliefs, plans, objectives, goals, expectations, anticipations, assumptions, estimates, intentions, and future performance, and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, which may be beyond our control, and which may cause the actual results, performance, capital, ownership or achievements of the Company to be materially different from future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. This release contains forward-looking statements, which include, without limitation, statements regarding whether the Company's recruiting relationships will increase revenue and whether any increased revenue will be sustainable as a result of them. It should be noted that all statements other than statements of historical fact could be considered to be forward-looking statements.. As part of this forward-looking statement, you will be able to identify certain words and expressions, such as "may," "will," "anticipate," "assume," "should," "indicate," "would," "believe," "contemplate," "expect," "estimate," "continue," "plan," "point to," "project," "could," "intend," "target," and similar expressions used to describe the future. As part of this forward-looking statement, you will be able to identify certain words and expressions, such as "may," "will," "anticipate," "assume," "should," "indicate," "would," "believe," "contemplate," "expect," "estimate," "continue," "plan," "point to," "project," "could," "intend," "target," and similar expressions used to describe the future.There is an express cautionary notice included in this report that warns that all forward-looking statements attributable to us are expressly qualified in their entirety by this cautionary notice, including, without limitation, those risks and uncertainties detailed in our most recent Form 20-F and otherwise in our reports and filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.. Reports of this type are available upon request from the Company or from the Securities and Exchange Commission, including through the SEC's Internet site at few seconds.The government. There is no obligation on our part to update, revise or correct any of the forward-looking statements after the date of this document, or after the respective dates on which any such statement would otherwise be made, and we do not undertake any such obligation. There is no obligation on our part to update, revise or correct any of the forward-looking statements after the date of this document, or after the respective dates on which any such statement would otherwise be made, and we do not undertake any such obligation.Contact information:The EpicQuest Education Group International Limited can be contacted at+1 513-649-8350[email protected]Contact information:Precept Investor Relations LLCDavid Rudnick+1 646-694-8538 [email protected]EpicQuest Education Group International Limited is the source of this informationThe EpicQuest Education Group International Limited is the source of this informationThe EpicQuest Education Group International Limited (NASDAQ: EEIQ), a provider of comprehensive learning opportunities, is a subsidiary of EpicQuest Education Group International Limited.The EpicQuest Education Group International Limited ("EpicQuest Education", "EEIQ" or the "Company") is a global provider of comprehensive education solutions for...
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