EQT AB resolves on repurchase of own ordinary shares

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The maximum number of own ordinary shares that the Board of EQT will be able to purchase is 4,931,018.
The purpose of the program is to adjust the capital structure.
The Board's resolution of the program is subject to certain terms.
The table below shows the number of shares in EQT as of the date of this press release.
Carrying one tenth of a vote is included in the total number of shares.
The Head of Shareholder Relations is Olof Svensson.
Cision brought this information to you.
There is a resolution to the issue of ordinary shares.
The following files can be downloaded.
Jacob Wallenberg Jr has been proposed as a new Board member of the Company by the Nomination Committee.
Akita I S. r.L., an entity indirectly controlled by an affiliate of the fund known as EQT VIII, is pleased to announce the completion of...
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