Ericsson Mobility Report: 5G driving change in service providers’ FWA strategies

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Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) continues to grow in strength as a 5G use case for communications service providers (CSPs) globally with a sharp increase over the past year in the number ofCSPs offering the service.
As of April 2024, 241CSPs offered FWA services, of which 128 included a 5G FWA offering.
The speed, data handling and low latency capabilities of 5G FWA increase the attractiveness of speed-based FWA plans toCSPs, similar to cable or fiber offerings.
This has helped to drive an almost 50 percent growth in the number of service providers offering 5G FWA speed-based tariffs in the past year.
Fixed Wireless Access and Enhanced Mobile Broadband are the leading use cases, with signs that 5G capabilities are influencing service providers' Fixed Wireless
About 50 have launched 5G SA, which is a 5G service.
In the first three months of the year, more than 160 million 5G subscriptions were added.
By the end of 2029, researchers estimate that 5G subscriptions will be close to 5.6 billion, with global 5G population coverage beyond mainland China set to double from 40 percent to 80 percent.
60 percent of all mobile subscriptions are expected to be 5G by the end of 2029.
North America is expected to have the highest penetration by the end of 2029, with 90 percent of subscriptions expected to be 5G.
In India, 5G subscriptions are expected to grow from 10 percent of all mobile subscriptions to 65 percent by the end of 2029.
According to statistics from a leading service provider, 97 percent of all user activities on 5G mid-band achieved a time-to-content of less than 1.5 seconds, compared to 67 percent on 5G low-band and 38 percent on 4G.
Outside of mainland China, 5G mid-band coverage has reached 35 percent.
The lower year-on-year mobile network data traffic is due to changes in the underlying data.
The year-on-year growth of mobile network data traffic was driven by subscriber migration to later generations and data-intense services.
Mobile data traffic is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 20 percent through the end of 2029.
There are four case study articles in the June 2024 report.
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Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) continues to grow in strength as a 5G use case for communications service providers (CSPs) globally with a sharp increase.
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