EY Announces Tom Brennan, CEO and CTO of Sol-Ark, as an Entrepreneur Of The Year® 2023 National Award Winner

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IN ALLEN, TEXAS, NOVEMBER. SAN DIEGO, June 20, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Ernst & Young LLP (EY US) recently announced that Tom Brennan, CEO & CTO of Sol-Ark, has been named an Entrepreneur Of The Year® 2023 National Award winner after being named a Southwest regional award winner in June.. A pool of 224 regional Entrepreneur Of The Year 2023 Award winners from 197 companies across the country was used to select the winners. The Entrepreneur Of The Year Award was established to recognize those audacious entrepreneurs who reimagine what is possible and dare to develop products and solutions that disrupt markets, revolutionize industries, and transform lives in a positive way. It has now entered its 37th year of existence and is regarded as one of the world's most prestigious business award programs
It has now entered its 37th year of existence and is regarded as one of the world's most prestigious business award programs
I am deeply honored to be selected as the National Winner of the EY Entrepreneur Of The Year® 2023. We are very proud of this award, which is a testament to the hard work and dedication of my business partner and CMO, Bhawna Oberoi, as well as the entire Sol-Ark Team.. The reason I founded Sol-Ark was to serve God, my family, and my extended family at Sol-Ark," said Tom Brennan, Sol-Ark CEO and Chief Technology Officer. My mission is to help more families and businesses become energy independent so that God may be glorified in the process. Spending more time with my family is one of the ways that I serve my family. By making my Extended Family at Sol-Ark financially independent and ensuring their families are debt-free, I am able to serve my Extended Family at Sol-Ark. In addition to Bhawna and me, 43 employees who played a crucial role in our success were also awarded a collective $1M+ bonus with the EY Entrepreneur Of The Year® National Award.
In addition to Bhawna and me, 43 employees who played a crucial role in our success were also awarded a collective $1M+ bonus with the EY Entrepreneur Of The Year® National Award.
A panel of independent judges, consisting of entrepreneurs and other notable business leaders from across the country, selected the winners. As part of the evaluation process, candidates were judged according to their demonstrated ability to create long-term value by demonstrating entrepreneurship, purpose, growth, and impact, as well as other core contributions and characteristics.
Having conducted extensive research across the globe, Tom Brennan concluded that the current energy storage solutions were cumbersome, expensive, overly complex, and offered a very limited amount of power. The pioneer of hybrid inverters is Tom Brennan. Using technology and innovation, he saw an opportunity to disrupt the energy industry. Over the past decade, Tom has founded Sol-Ark with the mission of offering the most reliable, innovative, and cost-effective energy storage solutions for consumers and businesses. 

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