Federal Court Supports Wild Horse Advocates Against BLM in Groundbreaking Ruling

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LOCUST VALLEY, N.Y., April 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Today the Honorable Miranda M. Du ruled that the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has unreasonably delayed crafting Herd Management Area Plans (HMAPs) for wild horses in the Pancake Complex in central Nevada. The order from the court remands the Pancake Gather Environmental Assessment (EA) back to BLM for further analysis including those involving wildfire risk and orders that an HMAP be prepared for the complex within one year.
The Order from the Honorable Miranda M. Du reads:

BLM has never completed an HMAP for the Pancake complex or the individual Herd Management Areas (HMAs) included in the complex. This failure has denied the public an opportunity to address how forage is allocated, water improvements to distribute population, specific genetic preservation, mitigation measures for mining and livestock expanding in the area and more.
BLM defines the HMAP in the 2020 Report to Congress:"Just as with surveys and monitoring, HMAP development is a key component in the decision-making process for BLM's wild horse and burro management activities on the ground. In addition, these documents often include public involvement through the NEPA process."
"I am simply elated. The Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act is about more than just removal. Today, the court affirmed the intention of that law," stated Laura Leigh, President of Wild Horse Education (WHE). "For over twelve years I have been trying to address critical issues of on-range management planning with BLM and have been repeatedly denied. There is no replacement for the HMAP where the public has the only opportunity to address specifics of management planning and actions to achieve those goals. Finally, after 38 years, BLM will need to provide that opportunity
Finally, after 38 years, BLM will need to provide that opportunity
Co-plaintiff Manda Kalimian, founder of Rewilding America Now (formerly the Cana Foundation) added, "Rewilding America Now would like to thank the court, for its fact-based verdict, Jessica Blome and her team for their hard work but most of all Laura Leigh from Wild Horse Education for her tireless work for our wild horses. Environmental rewilding with wild horses is the way forward to protect our lands, horses and all wildlife on the range. The Pancake verdict has set precedence for procedures in managing our wild horses and range lands." 

"The concepts of rewilding, healing the landscape through the integration of species, are important," continued Kalimian. "With this ruling, we will have an opportunity to propose the rewilding alternative for the horses of the Pancake Complex during the creation of the HMAP."
"For a long time frustration has grown as the public is denied an opportunity to participate in management decisions beyond removals," stated Wayne Pacelle, Director of Animal Wellness Action, "We thank the court for recognizing the importance of HMAPs."
The case was handled by Greenfire Law of Berkley, California, and the De Castroverde Law Group of Nevada.
Additional information:
The Pancake Complex spans approximately 1.5 million acres, about 30 miles west of Ely or 80 miles northeast of Tonopah, Nev., consists of the Sand Springs West and Pancake Herd Management Areas (HMAs), Jakes Wash Herd Area (HA) and Monte Cristo Wild Horse Territory (WHT). The BLM Battle Mountain District, Tonopah Field Office administers the Sand Springs West HMA. The BLM Ely District Office administers the Pancake HMA and Jakes Wash HA. The Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest, Ely Ranger District administers the Monte Cristo WHT
The Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest, Ely Ranger District administers the Monte Cristo WHT
Link to Judgment Ruling Order: HERE 
Link to Pancake Order: HERE BLM report to Congress, 2020: https://www.blm.gov/sites/default/files/WHB-Report-2020-NewCover-051920-508.pdf
Photo HERE
For more information on RAN and their conservation efforts, visit their website at www.rewildingamericanow.org.
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