For the fourteenth year in a row, Euromonitor International ranked Haier as the top big appliance brand in the world.

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According to the 2022 annual report by Euromonitor International, the top independent provider of strategic market research in the world, Haier Smart Home (“Haier,” Shanghai: 600690), the world’s leading home appliance brand and developer of smart home ecosystems, has once again been ranked first in the ranking of international home appliance brands.
With sales of Haier refrigerators, washing machines, freezers, and electric wine coolers taking first position, this is Haier’s 14th straight year of distinction.
The company achieves a new milestone in the global market for large appliances as a result of the outstanding sales performance in these four categories. For fifteen years running, Haier has been at the top of the refrigerator, washing machine, wine cooler, and freezer rankings.
Over the past 30 years, Haier has dominated the home appliance market by introducing cutting-edge technology. In the era of the Internet of Things (IoT), Haier will keep working toward its goals of becoming the top ecosystem brand globally and supplying premium smart home technology to residences everywhere.
In response to the worldwide economic slowdown that has decreased consumer spending, Haier has prioritised the demands of its customers, adopted a user-centric strategy, and upgraded its brand lineup in order to defy the trend and achieve steady growth throughout the year.

Source: Prnewswire

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