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It has been revealed today that Amplify Publishing has released a new book that gives readers a rare insight into the beginnings of the technology revolution. The Bleeding Edge: My Six Decades at the Forefront of the Tech Revolution, by William Raduchel, is a part memoir and part business manual from a former high-level executive at early technology giants such as Sun Microsystems, AOL Time Warner, and Xerox. Raduchel's book is divided into three parts: the memoir, the business manual, and the endnotes.. A former CEO of Google, Eric Schmidt, has referred to the book as "compulsively readable" and "a master class in how to succeed in the business of technology."
A former CEO of Google, Eric Schmidt, has referred to the book as "compulsively readable" and "a master class in how to succeed in the business of technology."
With more than half a century of experience at the forefront of the technological revolution, Bill Raduchel has met every titan of the field - from Steve Case to Larry Ellison to Steve Jobs to Scott McNealy - and has encountered them all. From delivering bids to acquire NeXT and Apple in the 1990s to being in the room when iTunes was launched with licensed music, Raduchel tells a number of never-heard stories.
Over the course of more than half a century, Bill Raduchel has been at the forefront of the technological revolution, encountering every titan of the industry, from Steve Case to Larry Ellison, to Steve Jobs to Scott McNealy, and so on. From delivering bids to purchase NeXT and Apple in the 1990s to being at the launch of licensed music on iTunes, Raduchel tells stories that have never been told before.
Providing a rare history of how and why the internet looks and feels the way it does today, The Bleeding Edge is packed with timeless wisdom on how and why the internet looks and feels the way it does, including the business of technology and the lasting power of relationships.
In the past 50 years, William Raduchel has been at the forefront of the technological revolution in media, education, and corporate governance-which has led to recognition with Sun as CIO of the Year, as the top CFO in the computer industry, and at AOL as CTO of the year.. There are over fifty issued patents in his name and he holds a PhD in econometrics from Harvard University.. As an author, he has also written a book called The New Technology State: How Our Digital Dreams Became Societal Nightmares - And What We Can Do About It. You can find out more about him by visiting his website:.newtechnologystate.Visit
In addition to being available for interviews, features, and events, William Raduchel is the author of The Bleeding Edge: My Six Decades at the Forefront of the Tech Revolution, which is currently on sale from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Amplify Publishing.
The Amplify Publishing Group is the source of this information
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