GEODIS Launches Multi-Carrier Parcel Shipping Solution to Optimize E-Commerce Fulfillment

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GEODIS, a leading global logistics provider, today announced the launch of its new multi-carrier parcel shipping solution. As e-Commerce continues to grow, GEODIS has introduced best-in-class software that is designed to reduce costs, improve on-time performance and optimize parcel shipments for GEODIS in Americas customers. With its new parcel shipping solution, GEODIS is now offering direct carrier connections to customers to reduce manual uploads of rates and surcharges to optimize e-Commerce fulfillment operations
With its new parcel shipping solution, GEODIS is now offering direct carrier connections to customers to reduce manual uploads of rates and surcharges to optimize e-Commerce fulfillment operations
In addition to facilitating direct contact with carriers in GEODIS' current network, this versatile software allows customers ranging from large enterprises to small companies to connect with an extensive range of additional regional and Latin American carriers to provide clients with an integrated parcel transportation strategy that spans worldwide. Through cloud-based technology, the new solution integrates with external warehouse management systems and popular e-Commerce platforms to streamline the fulfillment process according to each customer's unique specifications and preferences
Through cloud-based technology, the new solution integrates with external warehouse management systems and popular e-Commerce platforms to streamline the fulfillment process according to each customer's unique specifications and preferences
MEDIA CONTACTLauren McKirganFINN Partners for GEODIS615 780 3361[email protected]
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