Global Supply Chains Forced to Change Rapidly As World Trade Enters New Era According to Economist Impact and DP World

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In an increasingly fragmented global environment, three quarters of businesses are changing their supply chains by working with more than one supplier.
The new administration in the United States is likely to grow with the 'America first' policies of the new administration, which is why the research was unveiled at the World Economic Forum.
There is a
The findings of the fifth annual Trade in Transition study show that firms are being forced to adapt to rising protectionism and changing alliances.
More than 70% of executives agree that countries perceived to be non-aligned are emerging as vital trade hubs.
34% of businesses are moving their supply chains to politically aligned countries in order to mitigate tensions between global powers.
Economic challenges remain a priority, with 33% of executives citing inflation and high interest rates as their top concern.
At the launch of the report at the World Economic Forum today, the Chairman and CEO of the DP World Group spoke.
Today's global trade landscape is more complex than ever, requiring agility, resilience, and innovation.
John Ferguson is Global Lead, New Globalisation.
In the foreseeable future, global trade will be shaped by three forces: shifting geopolitics, climate change, and a new wave of automation.
The full report contains actionable insights and detailed strategies for thriving in the evolving global trade landscape.
About DP World.
We combine global infrastructure and local expertise to deliver seamless supply chain solutions.
We make trade flow.
There is a PDF version of theDP_World.
The source of the information is DP World.
Les trois quarts des Entreprises du monde.
The cadenas de suministro al trabajar con ms proveedores are part of the empresas.
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