Guaranteed Rate Insurance Earns Safeco Insurance 2023 Agent For The Future™ Award

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It is with great pride that we announce that Guaranteed Rate Insurance has been awarded the Safeco Insurance Agent for the Future Award, Outstanding Agency Overall Winner, for the year 2023. As part of this prestigious award, Guaranteed Rate Insurance has been recognized for the innovative and forward-thinking way in which it approaches insurance, as well as its commitment to adapting to changing market conditions and staying ahead of emerging trends.
We are honored to receive the Safeco Insurance Agent for the Future Award for 2023," said Jeff Wingate, Executive Vice President of Guaranteed Rate Insurance and Head of Insurance. The company is committed to embracing new technologies, improving the customer experience, and creating an inclusive work environment. As a result of this award, we have demonstrated our commitment to innovation and growth and are proud to have been recognized as an outstanding agency overall for this year.
The following are some of the benefits of Guaranteed Rate Insurance:
Our company, Guaranteed Rate Insurance, is a national insurance brokerage licensed in all 50 states that offers a full range of personal, commercial, specialty, and life insurance policies to our clients. Guaranteed Rate Insurance was founded in 2008 and is owned by Guaranteed Rate, the second-largest retail mortgage lender in the country.. There is no doubt that Guaranteed Rate Insurance has built a reputation on providing its customers with impeccable service as demonstrated by its 98% customer satisfaction ratio*. A growing team of insurance agents, as well as a robust digital platform, enables Guaranteed Rate Insurance to search for great insurance rates from over 100 top-rated insurance carriers while providing a "personal shopping" experience for each of its clients. Rate of visits to the site.For more information, please visit
For more information, please visit
Data Source is Guaranteed Rate's Client Satisfaction Surveys (Averaged 2020-2021) which show a 98% customer satisfaction rate.
A little bit about Agent for the FutureLiberty Mutual Insurance and Safeco Insurance believe in the enduring value of independent agents, and the Agent for the FutureTM platform was born out of this belief.. It is the mission of Agent for the FutureTM to provide independent insurance agents with the tools they need to succeed and thrive now and into the future. This is where you will find original research, actionable insights from insurance experts, and case studies highlighting the tactics winning agents are using to grow and thrive, all within the Agent for the FutureTM website
This is where you will find original research, actionable insights from insurance experts, and case studies highlighting the tactics winning agents are using to grow and thrive, all within the Agent for the FutureTM website
You can find more information about Agent for the FutureTM by visiting their website at
Insurance with a Guaranteed Rate from SOURCE
Today, Guaranteed Rate Insurance LLC, one of the fastest growing national insurance companies, announced the release of their proprietary API for private flood insurance...
We are proud to announce that Guaranteed Rate Insurance LLC, one of the fastest growing national insurance brokers in the country, has been named one of the Top 100 Property/Casualty Agencies...
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