Hexagon Purus upgrades to IFS Cloud to drive supply chain efficiency and optimize global growth

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The global leader in zero emission infrastructure and mobility solutions is set to implement IFS Cloud to increase efficiency across its entire supply chain.
To meet worldwide demand for its advanced hydrogen storage and battery systems technology and vehicle integration solutions, Hexagon Purus has opened seven new manufacturing facilities across three continents within 18 months.
The company drives decarbonization across industry and mobility end-markets including light, medium, and heavy-duty trucking, buses, maritime, rail, aviation and aerospace and provides hydrogen ground storage, distribution and refueling.
The composable nature of the IFS Cloud platform allows Hexagon Purus to remain evergreen, no major upgrades required.
The company will be able to achieve its digital transformation ambitions by connecting its own data integration platform to the IFS Cloud.
"Our technology and manufacturing expertise is second-to-none and so it was natural that we would move to IFS Cloud as we expand to meet the growing demand for our zero emission mobility solutions," said Heiko Chudzick.
Hexagon Purus' decision to upgrade to IFS Cloud will transform the efficiency, competitiveness and agility of its fast-expanding global supply chain.
About Hexagon Purus.
hydrogen type 4 high-pressure cylinders and systems, battery systems and vehicle integration solutions are used by the company.
You can learn more at www.hexagonpurus.com.
The Director of Corporate & Executive Communications is Adam Gillbe.
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TotalEnergies, a global integrated energy company, is being announced by the leading enterprise cloud and Industrial artificial intelligence software provider.
TotalEnergies, a global integrated energy company, is being announced by the leading enterprise cloud and Industrial artificial intelligence software provider.
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