Huawei announces Paris Innovation Center on Europe Innovation Day

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This year, Huawei hosted Innovation Day 2023 in Paris on the theme of 'SME Innovation: Unlocking Europe's Economic Future'. The event brought together innovators from around the globe to talk about how to collaborate in order to help SMEs succeed. As part of this event, Huawei announced that its Paris Innovation Center would be opened, which would serve as a platform for further collaboration between Huawei and its partners.
As Vicky Zhang, Vice President of Corporate Affairs at Huawei, said in her remarks, "Only by working together will we be able to build the healthy ecosystem that will enable Europe's economy to thrive in the future".Earlier this year, Huawei jointly announced the opening of its Paris Innovation Center with its SME partners HD Rain and Ubudu,. According to Kenneth Fredriksen, the Senior Vice President of Huawei Europe, "Thirty years ago, Huawei was also a small company with a lot of potential.". Earlier this week, I was proud to announce that Huawei will be launching its Paris Innovation Center as of today. The platform is designed to help all our partners thrive, regardless of whether you are an established organization, or an SME."
It has been stated by Vicky Zhang, Vice President of Corporate Affairs at Huawei, that "only by working together can we create a healthy ecosystem that will enable Europe's economy to thrive in the future.".In a joint announcement with its SMEs, HD Rain and Ubudu, Huawei announced the opening of its Paris Innovation Center in collaboration with these two SMEs.. It was thirty years ago when Huawei was also a small company, according to Kenneth Fredriksen, Senior Vice President of Huawei Europe,. I am pleased to announce that Huawei will be launching its Paris Innovation Center in the near future. There is no matter what kind of organization you are, whether you are an established organization or an SME, this is a platform to help all of our partners succeed
There is no matter what kind of organization you are, whether you are an established organization or an SME, this is a platform to help all of our partners succeed

Source prnewswire

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