Huawei unveils joint fellowship with ITU, makes strides in digital inclusion

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As a result of Huawei's pledge to the International Telecommunication Union's (ITU) Partner2Connect (P2C) Digital Coalition, 90 million people have already been connected to the internet in remote areas in nearly 80 countries. As part of Huawei's first progress report since joining the Coalition last year, it was announced that it had made the announcement.
The Dr.. The announcement was made by Liang Hua, Chairman of the Board of Huawei, during the company's 2023 Sustainability Forum, which is entitled "Thriving Together with Tech: Realizing Sustainable Development through Technology"..As part of the event, Doreen Bogdan-Martin, the Secretary-General of the International Telecommunications Union, Jeffrey Sachs, the President of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network and a Commissioner on the UN Broadband Commission for Development, also attended, along with representatives from telecommunications ministries and regulators, including representatives from Pakistan and Ghana.. It was discussed by the attendees how digital infrastructure can play a more significant role in driving sustainable development and helping to build a more intelligent and greener world
It was discussed by the attendees how digital infrastructure can play a more significant role in driving sustainable development and helping to build a more intelligent and greener world
The Dr.. The announcement was made by Liang Hua, Chairman of the Board at Huawei, during the company's 2023 Sustainability Forum, which is themed "Thriving Together with Tech: Realizing Sustainable Development with Technology".In addition to Doreen Bogdan-Martin, the Secretary-General of the International Telecommunications Union, Jeffrey Sachs, President of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network and Commissioner for the UN Broadband Commission for Development attended the event. In addition to representatives from the telecommunications ministries and regulators, many from Pakistan and Ghana attended the event.. There was an opportunity for attendees to explore how digital infrastructure can better drive sustainable development and help build a greener, more inclusive and smarter world as a result
There was an opportunity for attendees to explore how digital infrastructure can better drive sustainable development and help build a greener, more inclusive and smarter world as a result
The next generation of digital infrastructure, including connectivity and computing power, is just as important for driving socio-economic development as our physical infrastructure, just as roads and railways are to driving the development of our nation.. There is no doubt that this new infrastructure will be a crucial component of sustainable development for all of society," said Dr.. According to Liang,. There is no doubt that computing is one of the core drivers of productivity in a digital economy.". A faster rollout of computing infrastructure will help speed up the transition to digital in many industries, and will also promote a deeper integration of the digital and real economies through the rapid deployment of computing infrastructure. In this way, global economic stability and sustainable development can be further promoted
In this way, global economic stability and sustainable development can be further promoted
Adding further to Dr. Liang's remarks, Doreen Bogdan-Martin, the Director-General of the International Telecommunication Union, said: "Let's not choose between tech and sustainable development. We need both! Let's thrive together with tech. Let's build a digital future that advances progress for people and the planet."
Despite the fact that Huawei firmly believes that digital talent is essential for future technological advancement, it has deepened its partnership with the International Telecommunications Union by launching the "ITU Generation Connect Young Leadership Programme in Partnership with Huawei" fellowship to promote more widespread digital engagement and develop future leaders.
Each year, 30 young visionaries (aged 18-28) from around the world will receive support in their efforts to use digital technology to drive community development projects. Applications for the fellowship will be open early next year, and will last for three years.
It is a pleasure to partner with ITU on such an important cause, and Huawei is proud to see young visionaries making a tangible impact for digital inclusion throughout the world. According to Jeff Wang, President of Huawei's Public Affairs and Communications Department. In addition to financial contributions to the projects, participants will receive mentoring from ITU and Huawei experts, as well as opportunities to participate in joint events.
As a result of the ITU and Huawei's joint efforts, young people will be able to learn, contribute and lead in the digital world," said Dr Cosmas Luckyson Zavazava, Director of the Telecommunication Development Bureau of the International Telecommunications Union.. As a precondition for accelerating the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, digital is a prerequisite. There is a need for youth to push the envelope on the changing global digital ecosystem and make their own transformative contributions to it. My sincere thanks go out to Huawei for establishing such a great partnership, and I am looking forward to seeing the impact of this project on a global scale in the future
My sincere thanks go out to Huawei for establishing such a great partnership, and I am looking forward to seeing the impact of this project on a global scale in the future
The P2C Coalition, which was founded by the International Telecommunication Union, promotes meaningful connectivity and digital transformation globally, prioritizing remote communities in countries and regions that do not have access to the internet. Earlier this year, Huawei signed a global commitment, committing to bring connectivity to about 120 million people in remote areas in more than 80 countries by 2025, as part of the commitment.. Huawei has so far provided 2,066 training opportunities in the ITU's first P2C partner country Cambodia, in collaboration with local ministries and universities, as a result of its P2C partnership.
Huawei has so far provided 2,066 training opportunities in the ITU's first P2C partner country Cambodia, in collaboration with local ministries and universities, as a result of its P2C partnership.
The source of this information is Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
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