iBASEt and the Camaraderie Foundation collaborate to create a chance for veterans to donate

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The Camaraderie Foundation, which helps people and military families who have served in the US Armed Forces, is supported by iBASEt, a firm that makes it easier to build and maintain complicated products.

The Camaraderie Foundation discussed its mission and experience in aiding veterans with counselling, transition, and support services for veterans returning to civilian life at this week’s iBASEt Excelerate Conference, which will be held in Orlando, Florida, from November 8 to 11. The Foundation received a significant financial gift from iBASEt, and conference attendees had the chance to support it by making in-person or mobile donations.

Naveen Poonian, CEO of iBASEt, said, “We are happy to promote and support the Camaraderie Foundation during our annual Excelerate conference, giving back to those who have served our country. “iBASEt has a rich history of assisting our armed services and updating the production processes and technologies that continue to revolutionise the aerospace and military sector. It makes me feel especially good to use this platform to promote awareness of the needs of our veterans, active duty personnel, and their families. We appreciate their devoted service.

The Camaraderie Foundation offers psychotherapy, emotional support, and spiritual guidance to all Military Service Members, Veterans, and their families in an effort to heal the “invisible wounds of war.” This involves providing free mental health counselling services to military service members, veterans, and their families in order to reduce the stress involved in their return to civilian life after serving in the military.

Source: Prnewswire

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