Innovative PXR Program from PWR Steer Features a Pulley and External Reservoir in One Kit

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A branch of Premium Guard Inc., PWR Steer® (, builds on its history of innovation by focusing on providing a comprehensive solution that is informed by a thorough understanding of the installation process.

The business has unveiled the PXR “Pulley with External Reservoir” series of Installation Ready® power steering pumps. This new product improves the installation process and gives both professional installers and do-it-yourselfers more power by including an external reservoir in a single kit.
PWR invented the Installation Ready® method by providing a comprehensive selection of brand-new components in a finished assembly. The PXR series is intended for applications that call for installing the components of the entire assembly in stages, starting with the pump and moving on to the pulley, fittings, and replacement of the remote reservoir. PXR contains all-new OEM-quality pumps, pulleys, return line connections, and external reservoirs with caps in a single package, in contrast to the majority of aftermarket offerings.

Source: Prnewswire

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