IntegraNet Health Unveils the “WholeHealth Solution”

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IntegraNet Health, a prominent Independent Practice Association (IPA) and Management Service Organization (MSO) with a 27-year history of population health management in Texas and the Southeast United States, has announced the development and imminent release of a revolutionary population health solution known as WholeHealth.. The revolutionary consumer-based platform represents a paradigm shift in health care delivery by integrating consumers with providers, employers, health plans, care givers, lifestyle coaches, and the latest science and technology to enhance patient engagement, streamline care coordination, and improve health outcomes by integrating consumers with their chosen providers, employers, health plans, care givers, and lifestyle coaches.
The revolutionary consumer-based platform represents a paradigm shift in health care delivery by integrating consumers with providers, employers, health plans, care givers, lifestyle coaches, and the latest science and technology to enhance patient engagement, streamline care coordination, and improve health outcomes by integrating consumers with their chosen providers, employers, health plans, care givers, and lifestyle coaches.
Highlights of the report include:
The WholeHealth Solution ensures the patient's progress in achieving a healthy lifestyle is tracked and rewarded accordingly. As part of the platform, patients are rewarded for achieving certain goals, such as fitness coaches, mental health counselors, condition-based menus, biofeedback, microcurrent neurofeedback, and other health-centered tools. The platform also contains fitness coaches, mental health counselors, condition-based menus, biofeedback, and micro-current neurofeedback modalities.  
Advantages that set us apart from the competition
Availability and Launch: The WholeHealth Solutions program is currently being pilot tested within IntegraNet's patient populations and is expected to be available in the Q3 of 2024. IntegraNet Health is launching the first consumer-based health platform powered by Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain technology in the U.S. This represents IntegraNet Health's commitment to transforming the healthcare industry.

Source prnewswire

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