Intersec is the brand Luxembourg picks for its new public alert system.

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The launch of Luxembourg’s new national public warning system has been chosen by Intersec. The Luxembourg government will be able to use crisis management tools and send alerts in the case of an emergency that could endanger public safety.
Previously, notifications were transmitted through a zone SMS system and Because Intersec’s solution utilises the cellular network and combines cellular with geolocated SMS, it may target those who are passing through a certain location and reaches nearly the whole population. Everyone impacted, regardless of whether they are inside or close to the danger zone, will be able to get contextualised alerts on their mobile devices from government departments and agencies.
The Intersec system combines strong crisis management skills with a number of different communication channels, such as a new mobile app, websites, and social networks. As a result, the Luxembourg authorities will be able to better coordinate field actions, better communicate with other authorities, and educate individuals affected in real time about the development of the situation.

Source: Prnewswire

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