Introduces 308 nm Single Frequency Fiber Laser from AdValue Photonics

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AdValue Photonics, Inc., a top producer of cutting-edge fibre lasers for the materials processing, scientific, LIDAR, and medical markets, announced today that it has shipped a high-power, single-frequency UV laser with a wavelength of 308 nm to NASA Goddard Space Flight Center for use in atmospheric measurements.

Due to its quick absorption and exact effects, the 308 nm wavelength, or colour, of laser light, is well-established in the medical, industrial, and scientific domains. The 308 nm single frequency laser from AdValue Photonics is the first laser of its sort to emit a diffraction-limited beam with an average power of 3 W. These characteristics allow for dependable, high-performance operation in dermatology offices, electronics manufacturers, and atmospheric sensor systems all across the world.

Since earlier technologies needed hazardous chemical lasers to create significant power at this wavelength, the fiber-based 308 nm laser marks a turning point for practical laser applications, according to Dr. Michael Mielke, CEO of AdValue Photonics. The prior issues with safety, consumables, and high cost of ownership inherent with excimer lasers are no longer an issue thanks to the new laser design.

Source: Prnewswire

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