ISP Quality of Experience Framework (LibreQoE) Version 1.3 Released

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With LibreQoS version 1.3, ISPs can offer QoE monitoring and traffic shaping to their customers. Service quality for ISPs serving tens of thousands of customers and handling traffic in excess of 20 Gbps is being optimised in several production deployments using inexpensive x86 hardware.
Robert Chacón, CEO of LibreQoE, describes the motivation behind the development of LibreQoS: “This all started during the COVID outbreak. I aimed for it to be so that audio and video calls “simply worked” every time. My clientele’s professional and academic pursuits necessitated that my Internet service provider (ISP) deliver speedy and reliable connections. And it worked! Even when large files are being downloaded or uploaded, real-time multimedia communication and online games run smoothly. The best part is that any ISP can use LibreQoS now that we’ve made it Open Source, and you’ll have a better Internet for all your customers virtually immediately.”
When asked about the Bufferbloat Project, co-creator Dave Täht said: “Almost all servers and clients use the packet scheduling/AQM algorithms FQ-Codel (RFC8290) or the more recent CAKE. In the beginning of a connection to any destination, they prioritise the “little guy,” or the smallest packets, until the flow reaches parity with flows from other sources. A little improvement is made to all new flows, including DNS, gaming traffic, VoIP, and videoconferencing. Yes, that’s the last word. Then on, any data sent over the network will be handled in the same way. Large flows, whether they originate from Netflix, Google, Comcast, your mom, or even Timbuktu, experience the same level of delay and buffering across a wide range of actual round trip times

Source: Prnewswire

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