It’s Time to Close the Ever-Increasing IT-OT Security Gap

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To bridge the IT and Operational Technology (OT) security divide and manage IT security issues, CISOs must employ new ways to handle OT concerns.

While security personnel is well-versed in IT networks, they may be unfamiliar with OT procedures and systems. In the first case, a CISO would try to apply the same tried-and-true IT cybersecurity best practices to the OT environment. Attempting to integrate IT security tools into the OT environment, on the other hand, takes far too long and isn’t always successful or essential.

Because OT networks lack current security measures, they present a chance to create a security program from the ground up. This will enable the use of existing IT security capabilities to quickly lock down production settings.

Getting rid of complexities — When CISOs use the same IT playbook to OT scenarios, they generate unneeded complexities. Physical segmentation inside OT networks and the deployment of numerous security mechanisms do not immediately decrease or minimize the dangers. Physical segmentation must be planned for, as well as the implementation of more creative technologies, all while following a predefined playbook for OT networks.

Deploying virtual segmentation – It is critical to deploy virtual segmentation to zones within the ICS network while conducting physical segmentation projects inside the OT networks. This ensures that any lateral movement, such as malevolent actors attempting to establish a presence, movement across the environment, or jump zones, generates real-time notifications. This will ensure that operational issues with the defined process are identified, which is critical for achieving the availability and uptime goals. This form of segmentation enhances network monitoring and access control, resulting in faster response times, lower costs and less downtime in the event of a cyberattack.

Remove operations that don’t bring value – CISOs must intelligently use the OT networks’ inherent qualities to their advantage. They will be able to give considerably more value if they concentrate on actions that bring value to the system. In addition, the to-do list should be updated on a frequent basis to ensure that the most important tasks are constantly at the top of the priority list.

These are the finest and simplest approaches to safeguard the OT network without having to modify the IT playbook to avoid complications. It is also critical to link IT and OT teams in order to streamline the governance process and bridge the IT-OT security gap.

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