Jim Fosgate, the founder of Rockford Fosgate, is mourned.

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Rockford Fosgate, the pioneer in high-performance audio systems, laments the passing of its founder Jim Fosgate and invites everyone to come in a memorial service for him.

Just two days after turning 85, Jim Fosgate, a cherished husband, father, grandpa, inventor, entrepreneur, and friend to many, passed away on Wednesday, December 7.

Jim Fosgate was a dedicated audiophile and a true pioneer.

President and CEO of Rockford, Bill Jackson, said “Jim has always had a deep love for sound and music. Jim, an engineer and audiophile, introduced a revolutionary amplifier that transformed automobile audio in the early 1970s. Jim is frequently credited with being one of the industry’s pioneers in high-performance vehicle audio. In 1973, he founded Fosgate, which later changed its name to Rockford Fosgate. Jim’s love of multi-channel audio in the late 1970s led him to venture outside the 12-volt audio realm and into the world of in-home audio. His study and expertise gave rise to well-known technologies like Dolby PRO Logic and PRO Logic II. These made a significant difference in how each of us listens to audio on multi-channel systems. Jim later worked with Fosgate Audionics, a subsidiary of Rockford Corporation. He created the FAPV-1, a renowned all-tube surround sound processor. Jim has had a significant impact on audio. In 2003, he shared an EMMY with Peter Schreiber and Dolby for their ongoing work in creating and perfecting surround technologies for television broadcast. Jim Fosgate was a dedicated audiophile and a true pioneer. Jim’s work has influenced everything we listen to today, whether it be on your home audio system, car stereo, or in the theatre where you go to the movies. Jim was missed.”

Source: Prnewswire

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