Kardex and Addverb start partnership in the area of intralogistics software

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Kardex has agreed to a strategic partnership with Addverb in the area of intralogistics software. Addverb is a leading global robotics and warehouse automation company based in India. Having agreed to a deal with Addverb, Kardex's expertise in compact storage systems will be combined with Addverb's outstanding warehouse management software. Based on a modern microservices architecture and fully operable in the cloud, Addverb's warehouse management system is among the most innovative warehouse management systems in the world.
As a result of the partnership between Kardex and Addverb, a comprehensive warehouse management and automation solution package utilizing the latest technologies is available to companies of all sizes. Addverb software and Kardex storage systems are a comprehensive storage solution that integrates seamlessly and optimizes storage processes for companies of all sizes and all industries.
As a result of the partnership between Kardex and Addverb, an integrated and efficient warehouse management and automation solution package is now available, which is backed by the latest technology available. The overall package of Addverb software and Kardex storage systems offers seamless integration and optimized storage processes for companies of all sizes in all industries.

Source prnewswire

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